10/24/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Greetings Club friends.

Yesterday was an epic club meeting. We really did have a great time. It was so wonderful to see so many club Legends along with all of our current members. As a recap for those who were not able to attend:

Our incoming president Gerry K gave an incredible invocation that include a video presentation on his very touching trip to the 911 memorial in New York City. Gerry – a very special thank you for the extra time you put into it. That meant a lot. Jim Swinyard made our introductions and yesterday the list was special and long. Thanks Stan and Glenda for Greeting and Josh for taking care of set-up.

A very special thank you to Mike Sheets and all the legends who presented yesterday. I personally received multiple messages after the meeting from members indicating how much they enjoyed the meeting. And for those of you who were in the background inspiring, encouraging and planning this meeting – and you know who you are – THANKS!!!

Regarding announcements: Mark Kalmar had an update on membershipping, Kate Lacy reminded everyone of the fellowshipping event that was last night at the OSU volleyball game. THANKS Kate Lacy for making that happen. Kathleen Hutchinson reminded everyone of the Pastega Lights and our upcoming Rotary Day (more on that later). Philomath Rotary Club president was with us to talk about their upcoming basketball game fundraiser. Finally, Glenda Baker reminded all of us of our upcoming holiday party in December. We are hoping for it to be our biggest party in years!!! More to come on that soon.

On the tables yesterday were printed copies of our member survey to help in the upcoming nominations and selections for our 2016/201 president and possible board members. Please do stop now and spend 3 minutes to complete the Survey. Our own Jeff Davis is hard at work on this and your feedback is crucial to the success of our club. Here is a link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WP3HFS2 For any questions, please contact Jeff Davis. It must be completed by Monday, November 3rd. There will be printed copies on the tables next week for anyone who prefers that method.

Rotary Day is coming up on December 13th and Kathleen Hutchinson is leading our efforts on this. It will be a children’s holiday art fair at the Benton County Fairgrounds in cooperation with the Pastega Lights. Lots more details will be coming in the month of March. This will be an awesome day and super easy for EVERYONE to be involved for just a couple of hours. At this time Kathleen is working on getting sign-ups from those organizations who would like to participate. Attached is a copy of the information and sign-up sheet. If you are interested – let her know! If you know of someone or you are part of an organization that may be – please share the attached information sheet with them. The number of booths is limited. Let’s fill the room!

Next week’s club presentation will be about one person’s life changing experiences because of Rotary. Please come and hear Jennifer Edwards share. Below is a view of our schedule over the next few weeks. It is such a pleasure experiencing the room full of Rotarians on Friday’s. Let keep building those better friendships.

To end this week, a very heartfelt thank you from me to all of you. Many of you have heard me say I am having an amazing experience as president of the club this year and each day it keeps getting better. Yesterday we reached a special goal that was set in June – and that was to be a Rotary club with 100% of the members giving to the Foundation/Polio. Over the past three weeks, Tom Nelson and Kathleen Hutchinson lead the charge in our eradicate polio fundraising campaign. Because of each and every one of you, we made it happen with seconds to spare yesterday.
As we come to the month of November, please be reminded that November is Foundation Month. The Rotary Foundation is the backbone to the magic that happens with Rotary worldwide. Please consider your Rotary Foundation for your annual giving. Jim Swinyard, Kathleen Hutchinson and our Foundation team will be sharing more about the foundation each week in the month of November.

Thanks again everyone and make it a great week.
Lee Eckroth

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