10/3/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Greetings Rotarians. It was a beautiful weekend in Corvallot that started with an awesome presentation by OSU Women’s head coach Scott Rueck, continued with a great win in Colorado and ended with an awesome summer day in October . Awesome.

I will keep this week’s Recap short and simple. Ben’s weekly email is loaded with everything we need to know. Be sure to review it.

A couple of things:

  • This Wednesday we will be meeting at the community room at Market of Choice from 6-7 to discuss the major fundraiser. PLEASE COME. The more Rotarians that are there – the better the chances of us making great decisions for our club. This is our DECISION meeting.
  • Next Friday our presentation is “A Day in the Life of a Rotarian” by Mayor Julie Manning. This is going to be awesome! Let’s fill the room.
  • In honor of our own KayDee Cole in anticipation her upcoming runway stroll and the next weekend’s Puttin’ on the Pink event – where pink to our meeting next week if you have it.
  • Finally, our club has a goal we are trying to reach by October 24th and we need 100% involvement. In honor of our upcoming club’s birthday and End Polio day – we have challenged everyone to contribute just $1 to the End Polio fund for each year you have been in Rotary. As of last Friday 1/3 of our members have committed. PLEASE make this a priority. We are unsure of the last time we have had a year in which 100% of our members have contributed and this is our chance. LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN TOGETHER. Contact me, Tom Nelson or Kathleen Hutchinson if you need to know your years or to make your commitment.

Thanks everyone. Make it a great week and see you Wednesday and/or Friday.
Lee Eckroth

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