10/31/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Greetings Friends. I hope you all turned your clocks back this weekend and were not late for anything yesterday.

This past Friday was another fun day with Rotary. Thanks to our greeters for the warm welcome, Josh Pannebaker for the invocation dedicated to dentists and pledge – plus welcoming our guests and visting Rotarians, and Helen Higgins for her inspiring Rotary moment.

We had a lot of announcements. Here are the highlights:

  • Jeff Davis reminded everyone that the deadline for completing the survey for nominating club members, or yourself, for club leadership positions is TODAY. IF you have not done so, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WP3HFS2
  • Josh Pannebaker updated us on our involvement with the Holiday Tree. More to come on this.
  • Gerry provided a great update on who in our club is heading our youth leadership for our community.
  • Kathleen provided an update for our upcoming Rotary Day on December 13th and how the club can be involved in the amazing Pastega Lights. In addition, she presented a “Caught Being Good Award” to Joseph Bailey 
  • Stewart and Dolf continue to work hard, and play hard, with our weekly Praffle!
  • Doug Oxsen provided the OSU/Cal Prediction
  • Glenda Baker reminded us that we have an amazing holiday party coming up on December 16th. You will not want to miss it!! More details coming soon. Mark that date out on your calendars!!!

Remember – November is Rotary Foundation Month. Each Friday this month our club’s Foundation leadership team will be bringing information to us that matter about why contributing to the Foundation as a Rotarian is SO IMPORTANT to Rotary. If you have not committed for 2014/2015, this month is a great time to make that happen.

Unfortunately our speaker was not able to make it (and we are working on rescheduling her as she has a great message on her time as an exchange student with Rotary). The result was one of my favorite regular meetings and that was 15-seconds of Fame with Al Hutchinson as our moderator. Always a great program – especially on Halloween with Barry Bonds and a Witch in the room!
This week your board is meeting on Friday from 1030-1130 at the Country Club. If you have anything you need, please let me know. This coming Friday our current exchange student Juan Camillo will be talking to us about Columbia for our presentation. Be sure to be there! In addition, it is the first Friday of the month and that means it is CAKE DAY with our birthday duo leading us.
Below is our schedule for the rest of this year. If you need ANYTHING at all, please let me know. In addition, I am always at the country club at 1130 on Friday’s and can meet anyone there at that time to, Make it a great week.

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