11/07/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Happy weekend all. I am writing today with your Rotary Recap. It was another awesome week in Rotary capped with our first Friday of the month which meant an action packed board meeting and another super fun meeting in which the room was so packed we needed to add a table (thanks Mr. Davis for making this happen).

A special thanks to Joy Ragsdale for getting the room set-up, Dolf and Joseph for the warm welcomes, Kelley Hook for the invocation and Laura Yoder for the Rotary moment. In regards to the Invocation this week, I am making special comment as I was very touched by Kelley’s words regarding the loss of his friend who lived every minute to the fullest. Treating every minute of our lives as high value moments is so important and I know that is what Rotary allows and encourages us to do.

I was fortunate this past week to do my first two new member inductions. Stephanie Davis and Tiffany Bailey – a sincere welcome to Rotary and the Rotary Club of Corvallis family. To this day I am very thankful to my dear friend Doug Oxsen for being my sponsor and remember the Friday I was inducted into our Club. Stephanie and Tiffany, if you ever need anything do not hesitate to ask any of your new Rotary friends. This coming Friday we have an induction of another new member! In addition, we will soon have two-three new names “in the box” for consideration.

In regards to announcements:

  • We had a lot of guests and a couple of visiting Rotarians. Please keep bringing your guests. It is an awesome way to start the weekend!!
  • We received a nice thank you letter from the Monroe school district for our recent contribution of school supplies. THANKS everyone.
  • Al reminded us that the Pastega Lights installation started this weekend and also about upcoming board training that is all so important.
  • We are in Rotary Foundation month. Thanks Jim Swinyard for bringing the information we all need to remember on the importance of giving to the Rotary Foundation. PLEASE consider giving as part of your giving plan. Our club set a goal of its members giving $25,000 to the foundation and polio. Jim Swinyard let me know we are $9000+ of the way there as of Friday. Let’s reach our goal and change the world. Each week this month our foundation team will be sharing why it is important.
  • President elect Gerry shared with us about the high school sports awards and welcomed Luna Fagon from Rotaract who shared with us about her club and a tailgater they planned for November 15th. It was great to have her there.
  • Jen Costa reminded us of our giving tree. Each week the tree will be up at our club. Take a tag this next week and let’s make the holidays special for others.
  • Barbara Claussen from the Rotary Club of Corvallis joined us and shared about a fundraiser they were doing.
  • Stew and Dolf keep rocking the Praffle – thanks guys!!!!
  • Don and Ted – provided us some much needed birthday entertainment while we shared cake together.
  • Announcements ended with an OSU game prediction from Al. Thanks Al!

Our speaker was very special this week. Juan, our exchange student, shared about his homeland and his town. He also provided us the raffle prizes and gave me a special gift. We are fortunate to have him with us this year. Remember, Juan is available. Give him or Tom Wirth a ring and invite him to your next activity. THANKS Juan for the energy and good spirits you are bringing to our club and community.

Regarding upcoming activities, be sure you have December 13th on your calendar for Rotary Day, December 16th for our holiday party and keep time available in your schedule as Jen Costa will be sharing more about upcoming community service opportunities.

Thanks everyone for making our club awesome and filled with energy. Let me know if you ever need anything at all. I am always available. See you all this coming Friday as we hear about he Economic Miracle of South Korea: From the Korean War to the present.

As I end, a special thanks to our veterans this week. Make it a great week.
Lee Eckroth

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