11/14/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

A very good and fold morning my friends. It has been a very, very good couple of days for the OSU Beavs – and that makes for even a better weekend!

I have included some attachments to this email. 1) A recognition from Rotary International for the great work Jeff Davis and our club did with Polio fundraising in 13/14 2) An opportunity provided to me by our assistant district governor on Rotary Friend Exchange 3) A schedule from Jen Costa and the community service team regarding upcoming opportunities and the tentative schedule and 4) Juan’s contact information so everyone has it.

Before I provide the Recap – PLEASE keep in mind the following upcoming Club activities. We learned with our most recent Club Birthday meeting on the 24th of October – the more that come the better the energy is. Let’s make the following activities awesome for our club and the community.

Thursday, Nov. 20
Third Thursday Social
4:30 p.m.
Sky High Brewery
Lead: Michele Kellison

Saturday, Dec. 13
Pastega Lights Rotary Children’s Holiday Fair
11:00 a.m.
Benton County Fairgrounds
Lead: Kathleen Hutchinson

Tuesday, Dec. 16
Holiday Party
Details coming soon from Glenda Baker. I know Glen, Stan and their committee are working hard to make this party one to remember and super special. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to bring your loved one. It is a great time to socialize with your fellow Rotary friends and build strong relationships.

One more reminder – if you have any announcements you would like to make at our Friday meeting – please email me the week before. This is super helpful to me. If you forget, I will always work to fit you in. I do try to keep our meeting on schedule while making sure all the important efforts of our club members can be announced. A couple of our recent meetings have run just past 1pm and I apologize for that – but it is a sign we are making magic happen within our club.

I am writing with your Rotary recap from this past week’s meeting in case you were or were not there 🙂

  • Thanks to Peg Obrist for helping with Set-up and Les and Tom for the warm welcomes
  • Tom Wirth, thank you for a very special invocation and acknowledgement of our club veterans. You are all so important to all of us and your service is appreciated.
  • Kathi reminded all of us about the opportunity to help with the Pastega Lights at the fairground. Be sure to get in touch with her for times and the schedule. I was there yesterday with my kids and it is looking awesome!
  • A very warm welcome to Amy Jauron to our club. We are happy you have joined. Thanks to Doug Oxsen, her sponsor, and Tom Nelson for standing in on Doug’s behalf for her induction. A special note from me to Amy: Amy, Doug was my sponsor and I will always be thankful to him.
  • Tom Nelson was busy on Friday! Not only was he a greeter and a stand-in sponsor for Amy, he also provided us our Rotary Foundation moment as it is Rotary Foundation month, but he also awarded to Paul Harris fellows to Dave Henderer and one to Wanda Sheets (on behalf of Mike Sheets)
  • Thanks Van for your work to recognize our two middle school students from Ashbrook and Franklin this month.
  • Trevore Griesmeyer updated the club on the activities of Team Dirt. See below for more info
  • Joseph Bailey reminded us of the important Food Drive he is part of and needs our help. For more info, contact Joseph.
  • I have been delayed in having regular Happy Ads. Tammy Todorovich asked for the opportunity to provide a Happy Ad and made a nice contribution to do so. Below is her info.
  • Gerry provided an update on our high school sports program and a special tailgater yesterday
  • Stu and Dolf – thanks for your continued awesome efforts on the Praffle!!!
  • Al once again provided his weekend prediction. Beavs won!!!
    A very special thank you to Koran War Veteran Alan Lentzman for his wonderful presentation on his time in South Korea over the war and how it made a difference from then til now. I heard many positive comments after the presentation. It is important for us to remember our past as it helps us understand how we got to where we are today.
    Below is our schedule for meetings for the rest of the year. Next week we have a very special club member providing an updated vocational. In addition, this person will be providing an important update on their life that you will not want to miss. In addition, we will be hearing from our Rotary Foundation committee regarding the foundation and why it is so crucial we all participate.

November 21
Program – Legend Vocational, Rotary Foundation Information

November 28
No meeting – Enjoy your turkey sandwiches.

December 5
Program – Safe Haven – Ron Thiesen

December 12
Program – SHS and the Pastega Foundation – Ken Pastega, Jeff Larsen, Brad Betz

December 19
No meeting

December 26
No meeting
What: Build Day! We will continue to add more miles of trail at the Alsea Falls Trail System, furthering this already incredible trail system to become the destination locale for riding in Oregon.
When: Sunday 11/16/14 – 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM.
Where: The Alsea Falls Trail System trailhead on Fall Creek Road across from the Alsea Falls camping area.
Details: No prior experience needed. See Trevor Griesmeyer for info or questions. We will conclude the build day by 1:30 with a BBQ lunch for all builders.

What: Team Dirt Presents: The Ice Cream Pizza & Beer Social!
When: Wednesday 11/19/14 – 6:00 PM
Where: Peak Sports
Details: A fun, social evening of pizza and beer, combined with a short presentation of what Team Dirt has accomplished in the last year, and what exciting projects and events that Team Dirt has planned for 2015. All mountain bikers and community members are invited! See Trevor Griesmeyer for further details.

I wanted to let you know about a fun event that is coming up on Friday, December 12th. We have rented out the Historic Whiteside Theater and will be showing HOME ALONE! This is a food drive for the Linn Benton Food Share, so if you and your family are able to come, please bring a nonperishable food item with you too.

Please RSVP to tammy@tncrealty.com to reserve your tickets!

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