12/12/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Good Sunday morning! I really could not be more proud to be a Rotarian! Not only was our meeting on Friday awesome, but our Rotary Day yesterday was very, very special.

What made our meeting awesome on Friday? The room was packed, there was holiday cheer in the air and we had a great program with an update on the Pastega Foundation and Samaratin’s Cancer Center. That being said, I must apologize for a good and bad problem we had. It appears that the room is becoming more and more packed which is a great problem for Rotary, but not so much for finding a chair and table for lunch. I promise I will make sure we have more tables and plates ready for everyone.

Thanks to Mike Sheets, Andy Tucknott, Doug Oxsen and Megan Schneider for helping make the meeting Friday great. We were fortunate to have two 4-way test spirited midd-school youths with us for our student of the month club. Thanks Van for making that happen. Gerry brought us up to speed that Ted Anderson would be his treasurer next year. We also were reminded of our super duper holiday party which is coming up on Tuesday. Remember, we are hoping to deliver additional gifts to the children’s farm home after. Attached is their needs list.

We do have two proposed member published and “In the box”. They are Russ Hedge and Ron Thiessen.

Our next official Friday meeting will be on the 9th of January. I will provide some Rotary updates between now and then though. Our Holiday party on Tuesday is considered a meeting though.

Friends, our first annual Rotary Day yesterday, which was a Children’s Holiday Fair, was off the charts AWESOME!!! Rotary was in the air (see the two attached photos), volunteers were everywhere and children’s lives were being enhanced one by one. It was an amazing day and the spirt of the 4-way test was alive and well. A special thanks to Kathleen Hutchsinson and her planning committee for making the magic happen. Enjoy the story in the paper this morning and watch for lots of pictures at our party and first meeting of the year. In addition – check out our faceboook page for lots of photos: http://www.gazettetimes.com/corvallis/hundreds-turn-out-for-first-children-s-holiday-fair/article_618dde08-063e-5738-8b5e-07941f11cd67.html

I look forward to seeing many of you Tuesday at the holiday party with your crazy holiday hats.
Thanks again everyone. It is an honor to be in Rotary with you.

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