2/13/2015: President Lee's Weekly Message

It was quite a fun day at Rotary last Friday. We were very fortunate to have Mayor Biff Traber come and speak to us as our program – The State of the City of Corvallis. This started over 20-years ago by Al Hutchinson. It is a great tradition.

In addition, we made a little Rotary Magic happen. In just 4 minutes, Ken Robblee, Kate Lacy and Don Klauss raised $1,260 for the Rotary Foundation. You are wondering how that is possible?? – check it out at our clubs Facebook page:

This coming Friday is a special meeting each year. We will have our middle school essay winners coming and presenting their essays to our clubs. It takes a lot for these kids to come and present to 60+ people. It is a great day to come and support.

As a reminder, OUR CLUB IS NOT MEETING AT THE COUNTRY CLUB ON FEBRUARY 27TH. We will be meeting at the Boys and Girls Club for the All Service Club Luncheon.

Make it a great week and see you Friday. Let me know if you need anything at all.

Lee Eckroth

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