2/27/2015: President Lee's Weekly Message

Greetings and Happy Friday. Congrats to Helen Higgins, Dick Thompson and the team at the Boys and Girls Club for a great lunch and presentation today. Thanks for inviting us – it was awesome, amazing and inspiring. A special thanks to our club members Ken Pastega for his special scholarship and to Judy Corwin for putting on an epic performance that will be remembered for centuries!

As we did not have our traditional Rotary lunch today – I do not have traditional Rotary Recap. With that, I am hoping I can have your attention for just a couple of minutes please.
We have been working diligently to put together our Rotary Movie Night in the Park. The plan is to have a special one night movie in the park on Thursday, August 6th at Avery Park. The evening will start at 6 and be done by 11. The lower section below the train will be perfect for the stadium style seating. Our target audience is Corvallis and we are hoping for about 1000 people. The plan is to have fun, food, fundraising and a free movie. On top of that we will be able to share about Rotary. It will be an awesome night for Corvallis and Rotary.

Kelley Hook and I have met multiple times recently to put together an initial outline of a plan. Now we need your help to make this magical plan happen. Below are the committees in which we need your help. We have broken it down so everyone will have small bites and with everyone’s contribution we can have a BIG evening. Please take a moment to review the committees and let me know which committee you can help with. We really do need 1-3 people per committee. I promise you – this will be worth your time as it will be a special gift to Corvallis and Rotary.
Our next meeting will be 10:45am on Friday the 13th of March before our regular Rotary meeting at the country club. The goal is to have all the committees staffed and everyone to be at this meeting if possible. Please mark this on your calendar. This event can’t happen without everyone’s support. PLEASE find an area in which you can provide a little help. Just a little help from everyone will make this a huge success for Corvallis, Rotary and our awesome club.
Food committee: Task: Define and secure dinner providers and define concessions plan. Idea: We will have 3-5 dinner providers (food trucks, restaurants, etc) and Rotary will be in charge of concessions as part of our fundraising.
Silent Auction: Task: Plan a silent auction and secure items for silent auction. Idea: Lets make this similar to the silent auction we have done at our changing of the guard. 15-20 awesome and person items.
*Raffle committee: * Task: Secure items to be raffled off during the evening. Raffle tickets to be sold to people as they arrive. Prizes to be distributed through the evening.
*Special Event: * Task: Create a special experience for the evening. Our own Kate Lacey has already agreed to take this one!!
*Rotary presentation and Information: * Task: Define a plan for a booth (our tent) for sharing info about Rotary and then for a presentation of Rotary to the crowd prior to the movie. Idea: Set up Rotary booth and have info about Rotary available. Before movie have a 3-10 minute presentation of Rotary utilizing the huge screen, Rotarians, info from Rotary International and more. This could be very VERY special.
*Planning Committee: * Task: Start to finish logistics. This started in July of 2014 when we started brainstorming. Lee Eckroth and Kelley Hook have already volunteered. We could use one more person.
Movie Logistics: Task: Movie choice (group decision), secure movie and rights, secure screen and all needed to show the movie. Lee Eckroth already volunteered (I have done this before)
Event logistics: Task: Working through event details such as securing park, parking, permits, potties, planning set-up, tear down, security, 1st aid, lost and found, etc. Idea: We could use 2-4 people here. These are all small tasks that just need some attention to make sure all logistics of the evening are in place.
*Marketing, Promotion Sponsorships: * Task: Layout plan to promote the evening to our community and secure sponsors if possible. Idea: We are guessing most of the work will be social media related. We do not want to miss out on possible sponsorship opportunities though as we have a HUGE SCREEN!! 

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