5/01/2015: President Lee's Weekly Message

A very good morning to you.

This past Friday we heard about the Rotary Ritual for our Inspiration from Tiffany Bailey. After the meeting I went ran into a new member who is trying to get into the “Rotary Groove” each Friday. I shared with this person that just 7 years ago I had a hard time showing up more than twice a month. At that time I felt guilty because of the focus on attendance goals and even considered resigning (Lu would not allow that to happen and I will always be thankful). Once I changed my mindset from “can’t” to “can” I realized the benefits of ending my workweek, and starting my weekend, with an amazing group of people that are more family then friends, in a great place with good food and learning about Service above Self while working to leave the world a better place – all in one place starting at noon on Fridays. Now you know my mindset about Rotary 🙂

This is a long recap – but worth the read. As it is late, I am guessing there are a few typos – but I wanted to make sure everyone is in the loop as the next two months will be exciting and busy.
This past Friday was another amazing meeting. The room was packed – and I am talking almost wall to wall. It started with amazing greetings (hugs to many) from Sideshow Andy and Brian Augustine, transitioned into our special words from Tiffany Bailey, then we learned about Kate Lacey’s secret “Flash Mob” plan at our Rotary Movie in the Park event on August 6th. The day then kept getting better as Ted and Don brought us our monthly birthday singing and Tom Nelson did a special guest induction of his wife Kim to our club. Kim is a past-president of the Sherwood Rotary Club and we welcomed her with open arms and a standing ovation. Awesome.

During the meeting Stan Baker reminded us about the upcoming Changing of the Guard. Stan and Glenda have been working diligently since January on this event and will be working diligently until June 25thto make it a night to remember. Our changing of the Guard this year will be different when compared to the past few years – but that was my plan and has been in the works since 2/1/2014. I believe next year is going to be beyond awesome with Gerry as our leader. I am truly looking forward to being part of our club with Gerry as our president. He is pumped, prepared and has Rotary in his heart and soul.

This year’s Changing of the Guard will be a celebration of not only the last year and transition to 2015/2016, but a celebration of our club since its founding in 1976. We know the Baker’s can throw an amazing party. I have been clued in on just a few of the plans for this event – and you will not want to miss out. It would mean the world to me and the current board, along with Gerry and the incoming board if you would reserve June 25thon your calendar and plan to come. Whether you just joined, are an honorary member, a current active member, R85 member or a past president (basically everyone and even your family and special guests) – make this your can’t miss Rotary event/meeting of the year. I know it will be my can’t miss event and hope to see you all there. Do know I understand it is more expensive than in the past, but I promise you that it will be worth it. Invitation is attached and signups have started.

We had a lot of power announcements which included:

  • Lee: If you are interested in carpooling to this coming weekend’s Rotary District Conference in Eugene please let me, Michele or Gerry know. Each of us is attending different parts. See below for more details.
  • Michele Kellison reminded us about the Rotary Fiesta coming up on May 9th. Contact her for more details.
  • Jen Costa is doing some last minute planning to help the Linn Benton Food Share Mail drive on May 9th. Watch and listen for more details on this. We have assisted over the past 10+ years
  • Tiffany Bailey reminded us of the upcoming Girls on the Run event
  • Stephanie Douglas provided a special thanks to all who helped at the Boys and Girls Club last week.
  • Inge King had a shout out for a special event.

Our program was a recap of Juan’s year with us. Juan is our exchange student who joined our club last fall, became family and is now heading home. We are so appreciative to Tom Wirth and Gerry for providing him housing, Megan and Kathleen for their work in making the process go as smooth as possible for our club and Juan and to everyone in our club for helping Juan have a life changing year with us. I know Juan is included on this email. Juan – we are very thankful for the last year in which we went from acquaintances to friends to family. You will always be part of our club and in our hearts.

A special thanks to everyone who provided Juan gifts, Al for the license plates and Tom Nelson for presenting Juan the honor of being a Paul Harris fellow from our club.

The day ended with an epic raffle of 8 items – which included a car wash, coffee card, movie tickets, Woodstocks $5.00 gift certificate, a Minions movie, $5.00 bill and the grand prize being a free massage from Heresco Chiropractic thanks to our own Frank Heresco.

All that and we ended on time 🙂 On May 8th I will be in Eugene for the District Conference and Gerry will be leading the meeting. In addition, on June 5th I will be on a personal trip and Jeff Davis will have the gavel.

Thanks and make it a great week. If you need anything, if I missed anything or you have any announcements – please let me know. I am always available.
Lee Eckroth

PS: As a reminder, this coming Friday the 8thof May we are meeting for a Rotary Movie night planning meeting at the County Club. Kelley Hook and I are co-charing this event. Since I will be in Eugene he will be leading the meeting. We are also meeting on May 22nd The goal is to have a clear picture of the event by June 1 so that we can go into promotion mode. We can do it! The park is reserved, sponsorships are in the works, we have a professional emcee booked, the screen is booked, the flash mob is in the works, we are working on a big give away, food is being planned and the movie will be chosen soon. It is happening!

PPS: Do remember the challenge that has been put forward by Michele Kellison and Mark Kalmar regarding bringing guests on Friday’s for the next two months. I am under impression the sign boards have already been ordered (see attached). Here is some information from Michele Kelison on the challenge “30 guests brought by 20 different Rotarians between now and June 30th will see President Lee spending one hour outside of Reser on a Game day and one hour on 4th and Monroe sporting his new attire — payback was inevitable and like my ice bucket challenge that Lee Eckroth instigated last fall – the cause is a great one.”

Flash Mob info
Do you have being in a flash mob on your life list like I do? I yes, now is your chance to make it happen with your Rotary Family. Kate Lacey, Kathleen Hutchinson and Van Melick are going to make this magic happen for us on the night of our Rotary Free Movie in the Park night on August 6th. Details are starting to come out from Kate – so be sure to listen and watch for her communications. Most importantly – Flash Mobs are surprises so keep this a secret within our club. With that, to start to get a feel of what we are doing check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNXd3wX_USc

To get involved (and this especially includes Rotary legends like Don, Ted and Les) email Kate at klslacy@gmail.com or call her at 541-760-8782 She will be getting us more information soon. This is going to be fun, easy and historic for our club, Corvallis and Rotary.

Upcoming District Conference
I am writing today to share with you an amazing Rotary opportunity that is just around the corner and is easy to make happen. The Rotary District5110 District Conference. Once a year the leaders of our incredible district,who are Rotarians like you and mecome together to host a great weekend of Inspired Rotary. Whether you can attend just for one day or the whole weekend – I truly believe it would be worth your time. As we all know, Rotary is an amazing organization and way of life. The more I learn, the more I appreciate what we do, why we do it and each and every one of you for being involved.

Here is a link for you to learn more. http://district5110.org/district-conference/
It would be a pleasure to attend with you and to have you represent our club. The good news is that it is just down the road in Eugene. I plan on driving down and back on Friday and Saturday. Again, whether you can attend some or all – I do believe you would greatly benefit.
Please let me know if you plan to attend. It would be fun to get a good group of us together. We have had a great year as a club and this would be a great way to keep the momentum moving forward into Gerry’s year

Thanks everyone and make it a great week.
Lee Eckroth

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