5/15/2015: President Lee's Weekly Message

Sometimes in life things happen that you don’t expect and you just don’t know what to do. Well, that has been me in the last week. Today was another one of those Awesome Rotary days. As Ron said in the invocation – Super awesome.

First and foremost, congratulations to each and everyone of you. Last weekend our club received the Presidential Citation from our district. This is an award for reaching certain goals set by Rotary International. The goals are set to help us as a club be as successful as possible. I think maybe 6-8 clubs got it out of 70+ in our district. In addition, yours truly was awarded a “Rotarian of the Year” award. This award belongs to each of you. We are a club, friends and family. Together we are making magic happen and I applaud all of you.

Today for our Rotary moment Michele Kellison provided an update on the conference, what happened and the amazing Rotary energy. I truly was speechless when she finished (she later asked me what was wrong and I shared with her I just did not know what to say except for a sincere heartfelt Thank you). Rotary is an amazing organization. Thanks to all of you for giving me the gift of being able to lead our club this year.

We had a great day today! Two new members were inducted: Jenny Bouman and Donna Rinaldi. Welcome to our club!!!

Many members received Paul Harris Awards, with many people being multiple Paul Harris fellows. One person was even a Paul Harris Plus 6!! Here is the list I remember, but there may have been more. If I missed you, I apologize:

Andrea Thornberry – PHF + 1
Les Boudreaux – PHF+ 2
Ron Marek – PHF + 2
Paul Goodmonson – PHF+ 6

Thanks to Kate Lacy for all she is doing to make our Flash Mob happen. Please support here. I understand the idea is a bit uncomfortable for many of you – but I promise it will be fun.
The Changing of the Guard event is building momentum. Please stay tuned. Most importantly – mark June 25th on your Calendar. The evening will start at 5:30, be over by 8:30 and I expect magic will happen. This is not only a changing of the guard, but a celebration of Rotary, our club, members of the past and future. I sincerely hope you will all plan to join us.

Our program was second to none. THANKS to Ben Danley for sharing more with us about his trip to Thailand. Ben is a true example of someone who puts Service above Self and is a Go-Giver. It is an honor for me to call Ben a good friend and someone I look up to. Ben – we are all thankful to you.

Finally, a special thanks to my awesome son Jacob who was my assistant today. He rocks!
Plan to come this coming Friday when our program will be on Fitness. In addition, we will have some special foundation fundraising in conjunction with our upcoming Changing of the Guard.
Thanks everyone. Make it a great week and remember, if you need anything at all – please do not hesitate to call or email me.

Lee Eckroth

PS: We post lots of pictures on the club facebook page – check it out!! Facebook Group

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