8/15/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

A beautiful and happy Saturday to you. I am writing with our weekly Rotary Recap. It is long, but it is worth the read, and important, as we all work to be more engagaed. Next week’s will be shorter :).

For those of you who could not make it, here is what you missed. For those of you who were there – please read on. Today’s recap has important information for all.
A special thanks to Gary Campbell and Jim Swinyard from yesterday. Here is why:
Gary delivered our Rotary moment. What I took from Gary was a reminder that we are a club and as a club that works together – we can do great things. One of our goals this year is to have all club members involved. Not 80% or 90% – but 100%. Along with the awesome work Jen Costa and your community services team is doing (and planning) I would like you ALL to write two dates on your calendar:

Thursday, August 20th, 2014: This coming Thursday is our Special Friends Picnic. To make it even better – this is the first year it will be at your beautiful Rotary Shelter at Willamette Park. AWESOME!!! I learned Friday from Gary that this picnic, which is one of our signature events, dates back to 1987 from his year as president (Thanks Gary). I have personally attended the event for the last 5-years and it is an amazing evening of fellowshipping and serving some very special friends from our community. PLEASE come, help and make a difference. You have all the info from the email Andrea sent. We have 91 members in our club – It would be amazing for the whole club to come together for this special evening.

Saturday, December 13th, 2014: This is the date we have reserved for our first annual Rotary Day. Our theme is “Rotary Childrens Holiday Festival”. This will be an opportunity for Rotary to shine. We really do need 100% participation. In the near future you will be asked to help in some way. Please plan to say yes – it would mean a lot to our club, the community and Rotary. From planning to hosting to logistics – help will be needed both in planning and day-of activities and we are all leaders with amazing skills :). Everyone’s help is needed for this event to not only succeed, but shine.

Jim Swinyard delivered an awesome invocation and reminded us of the importance of the 4-way test.

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


  • We are fortunate to have the Country Club prior to our lunch. Remember that the club is available for fellowshipping starting at 11:30 on Fridays for us. With the bell ringing right around 12:09, this is a great time for building better relationships.
  • Remember – August is membership month. BRING GUESTS to Rotary especially those who may be interested. They can have a free lunch on the club until the end of September. We have a goal to be a club of 110 members by June 30, 2015. The more Rotarians there are – the more good work we can do in our community – and the world.
  • Joy is collecting school supplies. Head to one of our local retailers tomorrow and fill a bag with school supplies. It would mean a lot to our schools and many children. You can contact me or Joy for pick up or deliver or bring them to one of our next two meeting.
  • Coming up soon is the ethical decisions workshop. More info to come from Julie Manning and others.
  • Another club mountain bike adventure is being planned by Trevor. Standby for dates.
  • Kudos to Luann, Paul, Rick and Joy for your Paul Harris awards.
    (Please let me know if I missed anything or if you have any special Rotary messages you need delivered. I am happy to get the word out)

A very special thank you to our guest speaker District Governor Tim Mobley. It is amazing the commitment he and his lovely bride LeAnn have made to the success of Rotary. It was inspiring. Tim challenged each one of us to make a donation to the Rotary Foundation this year.

Another one of our club’s goals is to have 100% participation in Rotary Foundation giving by our club members. My personal goal is for this to happen by the end of November and for us to reach our Foundation giving goal of $25,000 and Polio Plus goal of $5000 by the end of November. For more information, see Kathleen Hutchinson, Jim Swinyard or myself. Remember – Rotary is more than a local service club. We are an international club 1.2 million members strong, working together arm-in-arm, to change the world one person at a time. Every donation – no matter how small or large matters.
Mark the following dates on your calendar:
August 21 – Special Friends Picnic at the Rotary Shelter in Willamette Park. Contact Andrea Thornberry for more info. Plan to attend as it is one of our signature events and it is at the shelter you built. It is our meeting for next week
August 22 – No meeting
August 29 – Club Business
September 5 – Sustainability Coalition
September 12 – Vocationals
September 19 – Ryla presentation
September 26 – Candidate Forum
October 3 – OSU Womens Basketball Coach Scott Rueck
Have a great weekend and week!
Yours for service above self,
Lee Eckroth

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