8/22/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Hello Rotarians. Happy Friday. As I do not have a Rotary recap today, I will keep your weekly email short (which I know is hard for me to do)

  • Last night’s Special Friends picnic at the Rotary Shelter was straight up awesome. I am sure we will get pictures posted on the facebook page soon. Thanks to all who made it happen – especially Andrea Thornberry and Jeff Davis for leading the efforts. Everyone had a great time and the food was great.
  • As a reminder, we are having our second “Major Fun Raising Meeting” planning at Market of Choice this coming Wednesday, 8/27/2014, from 6-7. Pizza will be served. Please come! Last time the room was packed and we made great progress. We hope to narrow in on some ideas at this next meeting. Lets keep the energy going forward.
  • From membership to community service to foundation work and student exchange – there is a lot going on in our club. Remember – our goal is 100% member participation and 100% member giving for the foundation. Lets all work together to have fun together.

Reminder: Guests are free through September. Bring your friends and lets share the magic of Rotary. The more members we have, the more good we can do.
Below is a copy of our meeting schedule for the rest of the year so you can plan accordingly. See you next Wednesday and Friday!

8/29/2014: Club Business (still finalizing as this may change) Lee
9/5/2014: Neighbors Working Together to Create a Sustainable Community: Sustainability Coalition
9/12/2014: Vocationals/Member Presentations
9/19/2014: RYLA Campers
9/26/2014: Candidate Forum
10/3/2014: OSU Women’s Basketball
10/10/2014: CREATE!: Center for Revewable Energy and Appropriate Technology for the Environment
10/17/2014: SAGE Gardens
10/24/2014: Vocationals/ Member Presentations
10/31/2014: Rotary Experience – Jennifer Edwards
11/7/2014: Republic Recycling Services
11/14/2014: The Economic MIracle of South Korea: Korean War to the Present
11/21/2014: Vocationals/ Member Presentations
11/28/2014: No Meeting
12/5/2014: Safe Haven Humane Society
12/12/2014: SHS_Pastega Foundation
12/19/2014: No Meeting
12/26/2014: No Meeting
1/2/2015: No Meeting

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