8/29/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Hello Rotarians. A Super Awesome Happy Friday. We had another busy meeting today. Thanks to all who came – especially with this weather making it all so easy to be outside.

Speaking of awesome – Ken Haines thanks for sharing the following video on awesome with me today – http://www.ted.com/talks/jill_shargaa_please_please_people_let_s_put_the_awe_back_in_awesome?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2014-08-29
In addition, here is a link to the Rotary moment from today on the amazing work Rotary is doing to help children with cancer in different parts of the world – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKaqj4oHQU0

This week a group met who is leading the charge on the major fundraiser. In the next week I will send a summary about that meeting and the plans for pushing forward. There is some great work being done on this focus area.

Work is also being done on our Special Rotary Day. Thanks to Kathleen and Michele for leading this charge. The idea and plan will be outlined for all in the next month. We are hopeful to have 100% of our members participating in this event.

So many things are happening. Here is an update from today’s announcements:

  • Praffle will be back starting next week. Thanks Dolf and Stewart!
  • Thanks Ken Pastega, Kathleen and everyone involved for keeping and making the Pastega lights amazing. I loved hearing today about the expansion compliments of Peoria road.
  • Dave Henderer reminded us of the upcoming club survey. In addition, Dave is leading an effort of catching people being “good”. When you have a nomination – let him know. One more thing, Dave is going to need volunteers for Fall Festival. Keep it in mind as slinging pizza can be a fun time for all.
  • Van Melick asked for help in transporting our new exchange student Juan. Let Van know if you can help.
  • Mark Kalmar gave an inspiring speech on membership. We have a club goal to be 110 members by 6/30/2015. Bring your friends and/or anyone you believe would appreciate Rotary. It is a pretty special organization and we can make more magic with more people.
  • Thanks Andrea for your update from the special friends picnic. That was an awesome night. 35 Rotarians were there chipping in with 70 “special friends”
  • Thanks Al for your ever insightful predictions. Loved it. GO BEAVS!!!

Today we were fortunate to have Kevin Dwyer deliver not only his vocational but also an update on the Chamber. Thanks Kevin for all you do for our club and Corvallis. It was great to learn more about you and your close relationship with Jessi Owens.
As I finalize this week’s Rotary recap, I sincerely want to thank everyone for the opportunity you have given me to be the president of the club this year. I really am having a super fun time and look forward to every Rotary opportunity I am provided.
Below are some upcoming opportunities to make a positive, Rotarian difference in Corvallot. Have a great weekend and let me know if you ever need anything.

Yours for Service Above Self,
Lee Eckroth

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