9/12/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

Greetings Rotary friends and Family,
It has been another great week for Rotary and Rotarians. School is starting back up, Football won and the weather is beautiful. In addition, I met Bill Walton this past week – such fun 🙂

This week we were fortunate to two vocationals – the first from Kelley Hook then we also had Dr. Havard. Vocationals are one of my favorite programs as we all get to learn more about new members. Who would have guessed that Kelley was a surfing dude and his dog was a matchmaker? That is awesome. Thanks guys!
Thank you Major Julie Manning for our invocation today and Ron Thiesen and Judy Corwin for our Rotary moment. Both inspiring.

Be sure to get signed up for the Fall Festival fundraiser. Dave Henderer is taking the lead on that. You should have received your survey this week. Just about 1/3 of you have completed it thusfar. It will take you just a few minutes to make a big difference for your club.

Below is a list of upcoming programs and service opportunities. I hope to see you at some or all of them.

I will be sending an email shortly for our next major fundraising meeting. This next one will be important. We will start to dig into our idea and to lay the groundwork to move forward with a plan. I would love to have a group of 25+ at this one. Remember, this is a MAJOR fundraiser we are planning that we hope to hold consistently year after year. We all have skills and ideas. Let’s bring them together to make this Rotary magic happen.

Finally, the challenge has been put to me, Rick and Ben for a Rotary challenge. Keep your ears and opportunities out as the three of us need to keep up with Michele K. from last week. More soon.

Make it a great week and see you next Friday.
Lee Eckroth

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