Greater Rotary Recap for December 4, 2015

First Things First: Have you reserved your spot at the Holiday Party? No? Well, you need to send Glenda Baker an e-mail to let her know of your intentions! Do it now before you forget! The party is Thursday, December 17th – our last meeting of the year. Don’t miss out on the great prizes, the fabulous hat contest, and the uncompromisingly great fellowship!

The December 4th meeting found a packed room and lots of energy. After ringing the bell and calling the meeting to order, Jen Costa providing an uplifting Inspirational moment. Ben Danley introduced visiting Rotarians Paul Dellinger from the Monmouth/Independence Club (distributing Rum Cakes), Pete Sekermestrovich from the Thursday Club, and Rotaracters Luna Fagan and Sara Bennett. We also welcomed Rotarian guests Patrick Tudor, guest of Julene Tudor, Erica Jensen, guest of Michele Kellison, and CVHS & CHS Athletic Directors, Craig Ellingson & Bob Holt. We also welcomed the recognized Scholar-Citizen-Athletes from both schools, as well as their parents.

Club Business: Past President Lee Eckroth (recognized and congratulated for achieving Principal Broker status in real estate) presented two items: [1] Revised by-laws, thanking members for their recommendations and Jen Costa for her invaluable editing assistance. A motion was made and seconded, with a unanimous vote from attending members; and, [2] President-Elect Judy Corwin presented, via digital multimedia, the club’s Leadership Team for 106-2017: Kim Nelson—Membership; Mike Corwin—Public Relations; Julie Manning—Club Service; Brian Augustine—Community Service; Stan Baker—Vocational Service; Andy Tucknott—Youth Service; Tom Nelson—World Service; Joy Ragsdale—Secretary; Ted Anderson—Treasurer; Gerry Kosanovic—Past President; and Mark Kalmar, President-Elect. A motion was made and seconded, with a unanimous vote from attending members for approval of the entire slate. Congratulations to all.


OSU Rotaract students Luna Fagan and Sara Bennett provided the club with a summary of their work on campus, the service opportunities that lie ahead, and an announcement that their club held an induction day last week. Our Rotary club provided the Rotaract club with a mini-grant of $350 to help with transportation costs for two of their members attending the Rotary’s World Peace Conference in California in January.
 Tiffany Bailey, on behalf of the Community Service Committee, urged members to put a sticker on the tri-fold board for each service opportunity that they attend. Fill up the board!
 Doug Oxsen announced that the annual CARDVA toy transportation convey needs Rotary help on Thursday, December 10th at 5:30pm….especially need are large roomy cars and trucks. If you can help, contact Doug:
 Glenda Baker, sporting a shiny holiday hat, promoted the upcoming Holiday Party that will be held at the Country Club on Thursday, December 17th. See above!
 Kathleen Hutchinson announced that the Rotary Day Holiday Children’s Fair needs volunteers and assistance, passing around a clipboard sign-up. This is the club’s signature holiday event, one that was simply spectacular last year, with happy faces all day long. If you’d like to assist in any way, give Kathleen a call.
 Andy Tucknott introduced the two high school athletic directors and they, in turn, introduced the athletics who were selected by the club from coach nominations to represent their respective schools as outstanding male and female athlete-scholar-citizens for the Fall Sports season: CVHS – Vanessa Hufnagel and Brian Oh; CHS—Katie Moreno and Mohammed Shakbnia.

The featured speakers for the meeting were Randy Dobson and Julene Todor. Both are new Rotarians and they delivered superb vocationals, detailing their lives that now intersect with the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis. Randy Dobson is a twelve-year veteran of the United States Air Force, having served in combat situations, a real estate broker with Keller Williams and the owner of a very cool looking mustache! Julene Todor is an agent with Farmer’s Insurance, having joined forces with member Rick Schroff. She is married with two children. Thanks to both for providing club members with a nice presentation of background and vocation.
New Member Proposal: Ali Bonakda, Director of Oregon Cascades West Council of Government. Proposed by Charlie Mitchell.

The meeting ended with football talk. The Beaver predictions by Mike Sheets of two upset wins over the Huskies and Ducks did not materialize much to the disappoint to all – well, almost all.

Duck Alum Gerry Kosanovic predicted Oregon would end the season with two wins, one over USC and the other, a Civil War win over the Beavers. Both were golden predictions. Next up for Ducks: Alamo Bowl. The 6th Annual Bowl Mania for Bragging Rights will be distributed to those that want to participate. Last year’s winner, Van Melick (76% correct) will bring back the annual trophy that is up for grabs again.

Next Meeting – December 11th: Member Vocational, New Member Induction, Power-of-One Inspirational, and Holiday Entertainment
IMPORTANT: At next week’s meeting we will pass the Holiday Giving Hat for children living in poverty – providing funds to the Corvallis School’s Student Opportunity for Success Fund. We’ll also pass around an envelope to provide a holiday gratuity to the set-up crew for our meetings. Bring a couple of extra dollars to the meeting – thanks.

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