Greater Corvallis Rotary Recap for October 16, 2015

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, Oct 16, 2015 By Gerry Kosanovic
The meeting was called to order, followed by a remembrance and moment of silence for Thomas Heresco, son of member Frank Heresco. Thomas was only 29 when he suffered fatal injuries from a fall on the Oregon coast. A service was held in his memory on Saturday, October 17, at Zion Lutheran Church. [Frank shared his thoughts at the service, reminding all of us, among other things, to hug and kiss our children, every chance we get]. We extend to Frank, his wife Kayla, their daughter Chelsea, and his extended family, our deepest condolences. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
With a busy and full room, Ben Danley introduced visiting Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Corvallis Eric Blackledge and Pete Sekermestrovich. We also welcomed Rotarian guests Michelle Davis, Randy Dobson, Julene Tudor, Karly Laney, Brian Ogle, Trentt Harrison, Anissa Arthenayke, and Michele Davis.
 Recognizing great club service: Thanks to Judy Corwin for her meeting leadership last week during the President’s absence. Gerry and his wife celebrated 26 years of marriage with a week of hiking in Eastern Oregon: Lake Wallowa, Hell’s Canyon, Leslie Gulch, and the Steen Mountains. It was a road less-traveled in many ways.
 Recognizing great club service: appreciation to Ron Thiesen and volunteers for taking the lead with the Club Tailgater held last Thursday. Feedback was very positive, but at the same time, 18 RSVP’d attendance, but were no shows, making for a very generous buffet (placed in advance) for those who attended.
 Recognizing great club service: Megan Schneider and Larry Holcomb hosted a meeting on Thursday at Woodstock’s Pizza for high school students and their parents interested in a Rotary Exchange experience. Franziska Maria Saal, our current inbound student from Germany, and Andrea Uribe, last year’s outbound student, complimented and added value to the meeting with their personal testimony.
 Recognizing great club service: Michele Kellison and the membership committee hosted an after-work social event recognizing members with 100% attendance. Thanks to all that attended for their meeting and service work with the club.
 Recognizing great club service: Jeff Morse had a great idea – “Tie One On” for Polio! His fundraiser raised over $1,000 for the Polio Foundation, matched by Spaghetti Factory, and further matched 2 for 1 by the Gates Foundation, totaling $6,000 for polio eradication. Bravo, Jeff, for your spectacular work! His Chicago Cubs tie was auctioned off his neck for an additional $125!
 Saturday, October 24th is World Polio Day. Our club will team up and lead a walk through Riverfront Park and Saturday Market in the morning. We’ll have buckets to collect money and placards and literature to inform the public of our work. We’ll meet in the parking lot east of the Van Buren bridge – wear your blue Rotary shirt.
 Stan & Glenda Baker, fresh from their summer work activity in Greece, announced the date of the Holiday Party – DECEMBER 17TH at the Corvallis Country Club. Mark your calendars – the event will feature prizes, fun, and fellowship. By popular demand, the Holiday Hat contest will be back!
 Ron Marek passed around a vintage newspaper that featured a photo of a very young, very talented Doug Oxsen published during his playing days with Oregon State.
 Kate Lacey promoted the upcoming OSU Homecoming activities, to be held on Friday and Saturday, October 23 & 24. Homecoming football game with Colorado will be held on Saturday at 7:30 pm (giving Beaver fans plenty of time to Walk for Polio in the morning!).
 Kathleen Hutchinson announced the sign-up of the Pastega Light Set-up, with dates listed on the clipboard that was passed from table to table. She also let us know that the Rotary Holiday Fair planning is underway. This is a great event, one that invites children to have fun, meet Santa, and leave with a big smile.
 Ken Pastega put an apple, harvested from his property, at every place setting for each member and guest. Much appreciated healthy afternoon snack for all! Thanks, Ken.
 Brian Augustine, having contributed with service opportunities, completing the requirements of the Red Badge, received his permanent BLUE BADGE. Congratulations, Brian.
 Randy Dobson, sponsored by Kate Lacey, was fully inducted into membership with the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis. Welcome Randy – great to have you (and your handlebar mustache) with us!
Michele Kellison introduced our featured speaker for the day, Andrea Uribe, our club’s outbound exchange student last year (and former CHS Interact Club President). Her presentation was entitled, “My Year in Belgium.” With slides depicting group photo after group photo, Andrea clearly demonstrated her positive, optimistic spirit regarding her time abroad. Andrea visited just every country in Europe, she made friendships by the score, and she tolerated the challenging aspects of her exchange with grace and dignity. Andrea is now a freshman at Oregon State University and it is easy to imagine her a confident leader, both as a student on campus, and later in her chosen vocation. Andrea confirmed the correctness of choosing her to be our club’s ambassador in Belgium! A great confident presentation demonstrating the value of our club’s student exchange program. The meeting ended with OSU Beaver and UofO Duck football predictions. Al Hutchinson – Beavers vs. WSU: Al predicts that Beavers lose to Cougars Gerry Kosanovic – Ducks vs. Colorado: Gerry predicts that Oregon beats Huskies for 12th time! 31-28 New Member Proposal: Michelle Davis, sponsored by Kathleen Hutchinson Next Week, October 23: “Heartland Human Society – Past, Present and Future” with Emily James – Development Director of Heartland Human Society

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