12/19/2014: President Lee's Weekly Message

It was quite a week for Rotary – and a great week it was.

Last Saturday Kathleen Hutchinson led the efforts in producing an incredible Rotary Day for our community. The theme was a Children’s Holiday fair and over 200 kids attended. Along with the kids, there were over 20 businesses and organizations who donated their time and materials for amazing crafts for the kids. Along with the, The Pastega Lights and Santa made it a day to remember for all. Thanks to all who volunteered and made it happen. For more info visit: GT Article on Fair The GT did a great story.


On Tuesday evening Stan and Glenda through a ragingly fun holiday party for our club. Over 90 people attended, $1000 was raised for the Rotary Foundation with the auction of the donated bike by Judge Locke Williams and the purchase by Tom Nelson, $600+ for the CHS Acapella group, over $1000 in community gift certificates were given away to Rotarians, lots of gifts were brought for the Trillium Farm Home and Bernie made a splash with her Christmas hat. On top of that, we had great music and lots of fun. It was a magical evening. To see some pics, visit: Holiday Pics


The Celebrate Corvallis nominations came out. The members of our club are shining – congratulations!!! See below. If you plan to attend, remember, Michele Kellison and I are in the midst of “Table Wars” We both have a table and they will have Rotary of Greater Corvallis names on them. We would both like you to sit with us – so who are you going to choose? Let either one of us know ASAP.

First Citizen: Judy Corwin, Mike Sheets, Helen Higgins
Junior First Citizen: Lorena Reynolds, Andrea Thornberry, Kate Lacey
Business of the Year: Henderer Design and Build, Heresco Chiropractic

If I missed anyone, I am sorry, let me know. This is awesome!!!

Finally, We have two new members in the box: Russ Hedge and Ron Thiessen

Rememnber, no meetings on the 26th and 2nd. See you on the 9th. Enjoy the holidays with your family and keep making magic. If you need anything, do not hesitate to let me know. I am around over the holidays.


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