Kevin Bogatin, assistant superintendent, shared successes and issues for the Corvallis School District at the April 15 Greater Corvallis Rotary meeting. Bogatin touted improvement in graduation rates from 67.%% in 2012 to 86% in 2015 as a proud achievement for the our public schools, but expressed concern about disparity of academic achievement for students who are economically disadvantaged or speak English as a second language.
Among the district’s 6,615 students, 77 different birth countries are represented and 50 separate languages are spoken. Students in school today, he stated, have social challenges unique to this generation, such as anxiety disorder, depression, and cyber bullying. Bogatin also spoke to concerns for disparity of academic achievement among students, such as those who speak English as a second language or those who are economically disadvantaged. “These factors are too predictive for academic incomes.”
While stable enrollment and school funding appears adequate for the next year, other priorities, which are Close the Opportunity Gap, Every Student Shows Growth, Every student a graduate, are the focus.
President Gerry Kosanovic promised an April 22 meeting that presented students giving their 4-way test speeches.