Is Benton County Prepared? Ask Kevin Higgins

Whether it’s a natural or man-made disaster, Benton County has advice for residents on how best to be prepared for a major emergency in our community, says Kevin Higgins, program manager for the Benton County Emergency Preparedness office.

The last big earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction happened in circa 1700s.  Most experts predict there is a 37 percent chance of another big earthquake happening in the next 50 years.  If it does, there will be “no power, food, water, services that could take months to restore,” Higgins said.  He shares that a disaster such as a large earthquake could take 13,000 lives. “That is why preparation is so important,” Higgins stressed.

The good news is that Corvallis is considered the safest city in the United States in terms of a natural disaster, according to Higgins.  Further good news is that Benton County has a plan.  Emergency “Go-Kit” passports were distributed to Rotarians to complete with spaces for emergency numbers, meeting place descriptions, pharmacy, immunizations, and insurance records. In addition, the booklet includes content for a basic emergency kit.

Higgins also provided an Emergency Supply Kit shopping list, information for emergency rescue resources, and details for managing a crisis incident. Higgins encouraged individuals to join the Emergency Alert Notification system and recommended these websites for downloads of information:  and

He urged everyone to be prepared.

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