Dick Carozza educates on Fraud

Dick Carozza, Fraud Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief

Most of us have experienced some form of fraud, perhaps with a credit card.  Few of us have had the opportunity to examine and report on some of the biggest fraud cases in history.  Dick Carozza, editor-in-chief of Fraud Magazine, has interviewed and written about some of the most famous fraud cases.  He shared his stories with members of the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis on Jan. 20 at its weekly meeting.

“Most fraudsters don’t set out to commit fraud,” said Carozza.  He explained that most get pressured in a fraud opportunity that they rationalize.

Carozza, a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, shared about such famous cases as Enron, Bernie Madoff and others.  He has interviewed Richard Dreyfus who played Madoff in a movie and he has reported on such whistle blowers as Sherron Watkins in the Enron case, Cynthia cooper, in a World Com case, and Dr. David Graham, in a Food and Drug Administration case.


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