Greater Rotary Recap for Friday June 10, 2016

RCGC Meeting Recap Friday, June 10, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

ANNUAL “Changing of the Guard” Thursday evening, June 30th. It’s a PARTY! Sign up! Kate Lacy and crew are planning a fun, lively, and memorable event that is focused on fellowship and fun. FREE for members and only $25 for guests!
Register on-line or at Friday Meeting: We’ll have the clipboard at each Friday meeting.
Or, you can register on line with Eventbrite:
If you have a silent auction item to donate (funds will be contributed to the Rotary Foundation) , contact Lauren Gallegos:

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Russ Hedge, finding inspiration with fellow Rotarians that assisted with the Girls on the Run event. Becki Goslow (dressed as the Cowardly Lion as a promo for our “Wizard of Oz” moving night) helped with introductions. ; Julene Tudor introduced her guest, Brooks Chiongblan; Mike Corwin introduced a guest of Julie Manning, Faye Cappell; Russ Hedge introduced his guest, Andrew Thiessen; and Tammy Morrison introduced her guest, Tasha Brandon.


 Service Event: Club members need to mark down August 18th in calendars – date of the annual Special Friends Picnic at the Rotary Shelter. Always a great event!
 Paul Harris Recognition: Tom Nelson awarded Susan Poole a Paul Harris pin with three stones, recognizing her continuing contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Congratulations and thanks Susan!
 Birthdays/Rotary Anniversaries: Don Klaus announced Rotarian birthdays and membership anniversaries. He did a great job, but we missed his wisecracking sidekick for this monthly event; Ted Anderson is recapping following successful back surgery.
 Family Bowling: Becki Goslow is spearheading efforts for an All Rotary Bowling afternoon on Saturday, June 18th, from 1-3pm. Other clubs have been invited. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at the next meeting.
 Excellence in Business Award Winner: A committee of Rotarians read essays, choosing a successful candidate to represent the 5th Congressional District with the Rotary Club of Portland’s annual “Ethics in Business” award. This year’s winner of a $2,000 scholarship is Raina Smith, read her winning 200-word essay to the club. Raina is a business major at Western Oregon State University – Jonathan Pedraza accompanied her to the meeting. Raina Smith was honored at the Ethics-in-Business formal dinner at the Portland Art Museum on Tuesday, June 7th.
 Summer Exchange Students: Megan Schneider introduced three club-sponsored students who will be traveling overseas during the summer as part of the district’s Summer Exchange Program.


 Megan Schneider introduced our featured presenter, German exchange student Franziska Saal. Franzi, enjoyed a GREAT exchange year in Corvallis, highlighted by activities and events that she described as “so memorable.” She attended Corvallis High School, making many new friends and enjoying social events. Her hosts (thanks for stepping up to the plate!) this year were Jamie Hughes and family, hosting the first half of her stay, then Cam Little and family, current hosts . Franzi stated that she really loved watching sports (like football – which she had never seen before), but she excelled at participating with high school sports: soccer and swimming the breaststroke with the varsity. She enjoyed a trip to Hawaii over winter break (“so much fun”), surfing and hiking the islands. She also enjoyed school social events, like the prom, and her trip to San Francisco with the district 5110 exchange students was memorable. Franziska will continue her stay in Corvallis, so if club members have not invited her to dinner, an event, or a social gathering, she will be leaving in July – give her a call!

 Next Meeting Paul Barker: “Understanding Iran” June 17, 2016

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