Greater Rotary Recap for Friday June 17, 2016

The Welsh are Coming! The Welsh are Coming! A Rotary Friendship Exchange group is arriving on Monday from Wales. While you will see them at next Friday’s meeting (for a bit before they depart for Florence), club members are cordially invited to a reception that will be held on Tuesday evening at The Vue. Everyone welcome to attend for the Forks & Corks catered evening – contact Tom Nelson (not Tom Jones 😀 ):

Changing of the Guard June 30th: EVERYONE should attend this wonderfully celebratory Thursday evening dinner – no additional cost for members; only $25 for guests. Register on line with Eventbrite
Silent Auction items are still needed! Contact Lauren Gallegos:

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Brian Augustine, finding inspiration with dads in celebration of Father’s Day. Kay Dee Cole introduced our visiting Rotarians, Brandon Hoefer (Greater Albany), and Pete Sekermestrovich (Corvallis). Lauren Gallegos (dressed as the Good Witch with an amazing smile) introduced her guest, Michelle Foose; Judy Corwin introduced her guest Kristie Klaringer, Scott Elmshaeuser introduced his son, Ben Elmshaehauser; Kate Lacy introduced her guest, Mike Lacy; and Van Melnick introduced his guests, 509J middle school teachers Tamara Benning and Anne Ulstad.


 Service Event: Club members need to mark down August 18th in calendars – date of the annual Special Friends Picnic at the Rotary Shelter. Always a great event!
 Blue Badge: Ali Bonakdar, having completed all of the requirements of new members, was awarded his Blue Badge. Congratulations, Ali.
 Rotary Park Shelter Restrooms: Karen Emery is congratulated for writing a successful grant to have restrooms installed at the Willamette Park Rotary Picnic Shelter. Karen stated the project will be completed in 2017.
 Membership Meeting: Kim Nelson met with the club’s Membership Committee after the meeting on Friday.
 Family Bowling: Becki Goslow is spearheading efforts for an All Rotary Bowling afternoon on Saturday, June 18th, from 1-3pm. Other clubs have been invited.
 Students of the Month: Van Melick introduced our final middle level student of the month for the 2015-16 school year. Many thanks to Van and the teachers for working together to present this club signature event.


 Our featured presenter, Paul Barker, was introduced, with his topic “Understanding Iran.” Paul Barker spend five years in Iran as a Peace Corp volunteer, later devoting over 38 professional years with CARE, as the country director in Egypt, Ethiopia, West Bank/Gaza, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Tanzania. He first presented background understanding of Iran and their strong sense of national identity, going back over 2,500 years, with dynasties that began in 550 BC to the current Islamic Republic. Paul stated that Ahmadineshad has called for a “one state solution” where he equates Zionism with the apartheid regime in South Africa, which Iran also opposed. The history of US and Iran relations was reviewed, to include the 1953 US covert action to back a coup and overthrow the Iran government. Paul suggested that the Iranian proposals made in 2003 for a comprehensive Middle East peace were rebuffed by the Bush administration, most notably Rumsfield and Cheney, suggesting that a nuclear deal would have been accomplished at that time. While Iran has not initiated foreign military action since 1775, they so supply weapons to Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria; they have military advisors in Syria; they support Huthis in Yemen; and they continue to espouse anti-Zionist rhetoric. In the 1950’s, as part of the Atoms for Peach program of the Eisenhower administration, the United States provided nuclear technology to Iran, including the building of a reactor at Tehran University. Paul provided information regarding the current Iranian Nuclear Program: maybe they have the nuclear weapon? Maybe not? The question, according to Paul, is not Iranian capacity, but Iranian intentions. The recent nuclear deal is a framework agreement between USA, China, Russian, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Iran. Paul stated that his visits to Iran, talking with people in markets, parks, and streets reveals little support for the current regime, quoting Karim Sadjadpour: “Iran’s most powerful leaders are not accessible, while Iran’s most accessible leaders are not powerful.” He also stated that attacking Iran would change that perspective, with national unity emerging stronger than ever.

 Next Meeting Diana Hendrickson: “Marijuana in the Workplace”

 Final Meeting of 2015-2016 Rotary Year: June 30th Changeover at CCC! Sign up NOW

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