Greater Rotary Recap for October 2, 2015

There are no words to compensate for the heartbreak experienced by the community of Roseburg as terror and madness descended upon their community. It affects all of us in many ways. Club member Brooks Calvin’s wife, Rita Calvin, LBCC’s past president, is serving as president of Umpqua Community College. She stated: “The hatred that gave birth to this tragedy can be overcome only by love.” We held a moment of silence as our thoughts and prayers focus on the families and friends in Roseburg. The Friday meeting began with an Inspiration delivered by Ron Thiesen. Visiting Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Corvallis included Susan Poole and Pete Sekermestrovich. We also welcomed Rotarian guests Michelle Davis, Randy Dobson, Rosa Cervahres, and Brian Mitchell. Announcements:  Recognizing great club service, we honored the work of Lee Eckroth, Mark Kalmar, Tiffany Bailey, Helen Higgins, and Judy Corwin. This fabulous group did a fundraising walk through the tailgating crowd at OSU, raising a total of $375 for Polio Plus Foundation. Great work. See the photos at the Facebook site.
 Dave Henderer thanked club members that worked the pizza booth at the Fall Festival. Dave stated that the final figure will be forthcoming, but we raised approximately $1,200. Great work all!
 Ron Thiesen announced that the club’s annual “tailgater” will take place on Thursday evening, October 8th, so mark your calendars. There will be food, fellowship, and “plenty of good door prizes.” Festivities will he held under the big top at Hilton Garden Inn from 5:30-7:00 p.m. No need to RSVP….just show up!
 Helen Higgins reminded members to track their service work on the board tri-fold board at the welcome table. Place a sticker next to your name recognizing every service commitment work….fill the board!!
 Lee Eckroth announced that the first Movie Night planning session was held to prepare for 2016. It was determined that this activity is a service project with a fundraising component. The second meeting is scheduled for Monday night, October 5th at the Market of Choice community room, beginning at 6:00pm. Help focus our work here as we determine next steps, especially the title of the movie! All are welcome to attend.
 Brian Augustine, as well as other members, donated Chocolate Fantasy tickets to the club for an auction dedicated to Polio Plus Foundation. Jenny Bouman bid $20 for a pair of tickets and Tom Nelson quickly added a matching $20 to be directed toward Amy Jauron’s Paul Harris Fellow. Travis Harper was also the lucky recipient of two tickets as we raffled off tickets that did not secure an auction bid. The first meeting of each month is dedicated to MEMBERSHIP, focusing on fun with a central message of reminding people to invite others to attend our Friday luncheon to learn about Rotary and the good work that we do. Mark Kalmar, our energetic Director of Membership, held a “texting contest.” Youthful thumbs prevailed!
The featured speaker for the day was Travis Harper, delivering his vocational presentation. Travis told us that four things have shaped his life: Faith, Family, Sports, and Wilderness. Travis is married with one child. His vocation finds him employed with Ameriprise Financial, and he invited club members to see him with their financial planning needs.

The meeting ended with OSU Beaver and UofO Duck football predictions.
Al Hutchinson – Beavers vs. BYE: Al guarantees a WIN. Al’s record: 3 – 0 Last week Al predicted Stanford winning 35-10 (score was 42-24)
Gerry Kosanovic – Ducks vs. Colorado: Gerry predicts Oregon winning 42-21 Gerry’s record: 1-2 Last week Gerry predicted Oregon winning 38-31, (Ducks were embarrassed with a score 62-20)
Next Week, October 9: Vocational with Brian Augistine and “About my Country” by Franziska Maria Saal [President Elect Judy Corwin will preside as President Gerry celebrates his anniversary with his bride of 26 years in eastern Oregon]

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