Greater Rotary Recap for October 30, 2015

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, Oct 30, 2015 By Gerry Kosanovic
It was a spirited full house on Friday, the day before Halloween, with a low-pressure system moving into the area threatening rain on the ritualistic begging of candy by the youngsters. Orange and black clothing complimented the looming holiday, but it had little to do with Halloween – more directed to the scary notion of the Beavers facing #13 Utah in football (see predictions below).
The meeting was called to order with Don Klaus providing an Inspirational moment. Glenda & Stan Baker’s grandson, Warren Haessler, did us the honors by leading the club with the Pledge of Allegiance (thanks for your courage and leadership, Warren!). Jeff Davis then introduced visiting Rotarians Eric Blackledge and Pete Sekermestrovich, from the Rotary Club of Corvallis. We also welcomed Rotarian guests Jacob Tudor, Ben Elmshaeuser, Nathan Demarest, Geryl Sharp, and Warren Haessler.
Service Recognition: Appreciation and thanks to those that participated in the march for World Polio Day, on Saturday, October 24th. Thanks for your service and dedication to Rotary….your activity is commendable.
 Michele Kellison, asked that we take a poll to see if members might be interested in purchasing a club directory, to include the names and information of members from the other Rotary clubs of Benton County. In informal hand count indicated at least half of those in attendance would purchase the book for $5.00.
 Members are invited to stay after the meeting next week, November 6, to help select the Corvallis High School “Scholar-Citizen-Athlete” awards – one female and one male, representing the school for the Fall Sports Season. The selection process should take about 15-20 minutes….any member can help select. Also, Andy Tucknott is seeking members to be a part of the committee that helps organize this activity during each sports season.
 Kathleen Hutchinson announced the sign-up of the Pastega Light Set-up, with dates listed on the clipboard that was passed from table to table. She also let us know that the Rotary Holiday Fair, scheduled for December 12th, planning is underway.
 Dolf De Vos announced the winner of the PRAFFLE – our football fundraiser for the PolioPlus Foundation. Winning the Colorado/OSU game funds, directed to PolioPlus in his name, is Ken Haines.
 Glenda Baker promoted the upcoming Holiday Party that will be held at the Country Club on Thursday, December 17th. Mark your calendars! Glenda distributed a list of Winter Celebrations that could provide inspirational themes for the Holiday Hat Contest! Last year’s hat contest was a HUGE success – we think that Dave Henderer has construction plans in mind!
 Tiffany Bailey, invited members to consider support of “Girl’s on the Run” by attending the Block 15 Tap Room Happy Hour fundraiser on Wednesday, November 4th.
 Joan Demarest and Bronwyn Evans announced that the Zonta fundraiser will be held on Friday November 13th at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center. Entitled “Diamonds Among Us” the auction and dinner will celebrate 75 years of Zonta giving. For info:
 The joyful induction of two new club members was held: Rick Schrof introduced new member Julene Tudor and Kathleen Hutchinson introduced new member Becky Goslow. Welcome Julene and Becky – we’re glad to have you join the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis.
 Travis Harper, having fulfilled the service requirements placed before him upon joining the club, was awarded his Blue Badge, recognizing his commitment to the club. Congratulations.
Julie Manning introduced our featured speaker for the day, Beatrice Rose, a harpist with “Arts in Health” at Samaritan Health Services. Julie told us that the activity is part of the ArtsCare program, with a goal of fostering a healing environment through the arts. Exposure to different art mediums has been shown to decrease levels of stress and anxiety among patients and caregivers. The key components of the program call for local artists, such as Beatrice, to work with patients, providing music in public spaces as well as at bedsides. Julie stated that the hospital has a commitment to contributing to the growing body of knowledge in this emerging field of arts in health care. The program is supported through donations, operations, and grants. Beatrice not only provided harp music as a backdrop for the opening moments of the club, but she also closed the meeting with a beautiful song, demonstrating the tranquility of her music when performed in the hospital for patients.
The meeting ended with OSU Beaver and UofO Duck football predictions. Al Hutchinson deferred to Doug Oxsen who took the heat for the football program problems because he was not dressing in the appropriate colors for the game. Having straightened out the issue, Doug predicts a Halloween upset: Beavers beating the #13 ranked Utah Utes in Salt Lake City.
Gerry Kosanovic – riding high after the Ducks finished off the Sun Devils on Thursday night in triple overtime, missing the predicted point total, but correct with the Duck win! Duck get to rest on Halloween!
Next Week, November 6: Member Vocationals!

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