Greater Rotary Recap Friday April 15, 2016

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, April 15, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

We are an active service club with a major focus on Youth Service in our community. It was therefore fitting and proper that we host representatives from the Corvallis School District to provide an update on students, schools, priorities, and budget considerations. Assistant Superintendent Kevin Bogatin filled in for Superintendent Dr. Erin Prince who had a conflict given the recent announcement of her resignation in August to join Oregon’s Chalkboard Project.

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Randy Dobson, highlighting the traditional deadline to files taxes and then leading the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. We had no visiting Rotarians – with everyone wondering where Pete Sekermestrovich was eating lunch!? Scott Elmshaeuser introduced his son Ben Elmshaeuser, Russ Hedge introduced his guest Claudia Hamilton; Randy Dobson introduced his guests Michele Minchinski and Jason Lara; Tiffany Bailey introduced her son, Aaron Bailey, Richard Havard introduced his wife, Linda Havard, Jen Moore introduced her guest, Alan Seavle, and Cam Little introduced his daughter Kacey Little and his host Rotary daughter, Franziska Maria Saal.


 Foundation Raffle Tickets: Raffle tickets are available from board members and your president for the District 5110 Raffle – $20/ticket. Drawing is at the May 7th District Conference in Bend. Prizes include 2017 NCAA tickets + hotel/car ($7,500); OR NY Shopping Spree + hotel ($6,600); OR Costa Rica Villa w/$2,000 gift card ($12,000). Want a ticket? Let me know!
 Service Project: Julene Tudor provided opportunities for members to become sponsors of our Wizard of Oz movie night. Steve Uerlings stepped up to the plate pledging to become a major sponsor with a $3,500 donation. Al Hutchinson pledged $500 to sponsor the Wicked Witch of the West.
 Service Project: Ron Thiesen reminded members of the Corvallis Half-Marathon race that will take place on Sunday, April17. Volunteers will be providing soup and refreshments.
 Youth Service: Larry Symonds announced that the high school student 4-Way-Test Speech Contest will be held at the club next week—April 22nd—and he is looking for three judges at the meeting. If interested, contact Larry:
 Service Project: Ali Bonakdar announced a service project that will take place on April 23 at 9:00 am – Painting. A clipboard was circulated.
 Fellowship Event: Becki Goslow promoted a Cinco de Mayo event that will take place on May 20th. A clipboard was circulated.
 Fundraising: Tiffany Bailey told me that she got a parking ticket because all of her change was put into the Foundation Change Jar. Keep bringing your weekly change! Fill the jar to the top!!! Thanks to all who keep the change (and bills) flowing. We’ll have a contest next month to guess the total donation – prizes for the closest estimate!
 New Member Induction: It was my honor to induct new member Jason Lara to the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis, sponsored by Randy Dodson.
 Student Exchange: Stu Laney & Dolf Devos conducted the weekly 50/50 raffle to raise funds for our student exchange student, Franziska Maria Saal. Money raised will help fund the annual exchange trip to California. Mark Kalmar won the right to draw a card but came up empty (yea!) – more tickets available next meeting. Let’s build up Franzi’s traveling fund – tickets are 3 for $5.

 Our featured speaker was Corvallis School District Assistant Superintendent Kevin Bogatin, with assistance by the district’s Communication Director, Brenda Downum-VanDevelder. Kevin provided an update on the school district’s work – more or less a “State of the School District” presentation. Kevin stated that the school district operates with three specific priorities: Three priorities- Close the Opportunity Gap, Every Student Shows Growth, Every student a graduate. Students in school today, stated Kevin, have social challenges unique to this generation, such as anxiety disorder, depression, and cyber bullying. The district has 6,615 students, 1.4% more than last year, but 2% less than a decade ago. Schools are increasingly diverse, with 77 different and distinct birth countries represented and 50 separate languages spoken in schools (top four: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese). Kevin informed us that there is a disparity of academic achievement for students including English Language Learners (ELL), economically disadvantaged students, special education student, and students of color; these factors are too predictive of academic outcomes. According to Kevin, this isn’t just about achievement, this is about access and opportunities that kids are denied unintentionally. So the question becomes, how do we create opportunities for these students? The district celebrates achievements such as an increase with graduation rates, from 67.5% in 2012 to 86% in 2015. Bogatin stated that the school budget for next year is solid, funding a full school year, with stable enrollment, no cuts, and cash reserves are not being utilized.

Next Meeting Friday, April 22, 2016 High School Student 4-Way Speech Contest + Foundation News.

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