Greater Rotary Recap Friday April 22,2016

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, April 22, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

FILL THE BASKET! The annual District 5110 Conference is next week. Tradition calls for each club to bring a gift basket to be auctioned off with all proceeds benefitting the Rotary Foundation. Our club’s basket should reflect the vitality of our club and the greatness of the Willamette Valley, including BEAVER paraphernalia. At next week’s meeting, I will bring the basket, club members are requested to bring an item for the gift basket. Thanks, in advance!

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Andy Tucknott, providing a first-person account of running the Boston Marathon with his wife, Kara, finishing with identical times of 8:34/mile, then passing out together. Ken Pastega was also in the race, finishing the grueling test of endurance with a time of 5 hours flat. Didn’t hear if he passed out or not! Andy then let the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. Amy Jauron introduced visiting Rotarian, Fred Shaub (Philomath). Carla Francis introduced her guests, Wanda & Bruce Sedeoir (sp?), Jill Schuster introduced her guest, Bruce Fuais (sp?), Robert Poole introduced his wife, Susan Poole, Russ Hedge introduced his guest, Claudia Hamilton; Joseph Bailey introduced his guest Terri Houde. (Members apologies for the guest misspellings—please print names of guests legibly – thanks.)


 Foundation Raffle Tickets: Raffle tickets are available from board members and your president for the District 5110 Raffle – $20/tickets. Drawing is at the May 7th District Conference in Bend. Prizes include 2017 NCAA tickets + hotel/car ($7,500); OR NY Shopping Spree + hotel ($6,600); OR Costa Rica Villa w/$2,000 gift card ($12,000).
 Service Project: Thanks to members that assisted with the Corvallis Half-Marathon race that will took place on Sunday, April17. Thanks, Ron Thiesen for coordinating.
 Fellowship Event: Thanks to the membership committee for organizing and hosting a 100% Attendance Recognition fellowship event at Block 15.
 Service Project: Ali Bonakdar announced a service project, scheduled for April 23 is postponed until May 7th. He also announced that Rotary Community Involvement Facilitators are needed for a May 21st Community Planning Meeting at the Philomath Scout Lodge, beginning at 10am with lunch included. Interested? Contact Ali or sign up at meeting.
 Fellowship Event: Becki Goslow promoted a Cinco de Mayo event that will take place on May 20th. A clipboard was circulated.
 New Member Induction: It was my honor to induct three new members on Friday: Terri Houde sponsored by Joseph Bailey; Susan Poole sponsored by Robert Poole; and, Claudia Hamilton sponsored by Russ Hedge. Congratulations to all three, and thank you for choosing the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis, a most vibrant and energetic service club.
 Youth Service: Locke Williams announced that the Scholarship Committee is meeting to review applications for Rotary scholarships. He also announced that six students will be interviewed on Monday for the two RYLA slots that our club sponsors each year.
 Student Exchange: Dolf Devos conducted the weekly 50/50 raffle to raise funds for our student exchange student, Franziska Maria Saal. Money raised will help fund the annual exchange trip to California. No winner –so the pot grows!


 I introduced Larry Symonds, coordinator of the club’s 4-Way Speech Contest. Larry provided an overview of the rules and protocol for the contest. The winner of the club’s contest will receive $200, with $100 to second place, and $50 to third place. The winner is advanced to the District 5110 contest, to be held in Bend on May 7th, with a top prize of $2,000. The judges for the contest were: Randy Dobson, Dave Henderer, and Gretchen Morris (thanks for your service!). The three student presenters were: Clark Shimeall (CHS), presenting a speech that applied the 4-Way Test to “Stop & Frisk laws”; Colleen Corrigan (CHS), presenting a speech that applied the 4-Way Test to “Community Service Requirements for High School Students”; and, Jacob Cotterell (CVHS), presenting a speech that applied the 4-Way Test to “The Fairness of Homework.” The winner, in a very close contest, was Colleen Corrigan, with Clark Shimeall in second place, and Jacob Cotterell in third place. Congratulations to all three and best of good luck to Colleen Corrigan as she represents our club at the District 5110 4-Way Test Speech Contest.

 Next Meeting Friday, April 29, 2016

Oregon Legislative Representatives Dan Rayfield and Andy Olson

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