Greater Rotary Recap Friday April 8, 2016

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, April 1, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

It was a meeting to remember and if you missed it, I want to tell you that it was fast paced, fun, and inspiring. Rotary meetings provide great opportunities for fellowship and learning and Friday’s also presented exceptional high school student representatives who we honor for their great standards of excellence. It’s easy to be optimistic knowing that these individuals will be the leaders of their generation. Hopefully, they will be Rotarians in their future vocations.

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Kim Nelson, crediting the inspirational nature of the club and its members, and then leading the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. Past President Jeff Davis introduced visiting Rotarians, Eric Blackledge and Pete Sekermestrovich (Corvallis)’ Dan Ripplinger, president of the Albany Club . Bob Poole introduced his wife Susan Poole (still swimming the in new member pool); Russ Hedge introduced his guest Claudia Hamilton; Randy Dobson introduced his guests Jason Laro; also attending were Gretchen Dursil and Pattie Warner.

Randy Dobson explained the “secret word” engagement activity relating to the “Third and Goal” campaign, designed to help the club reach the Presidential Citation, otherwise known as the club president’s goals. The so-called secret word was anyone asking your President, “How long have you been a Rotarian?” And my response has to be, “18 years and I don’t have any regrets expect one: I wish I were an Oregon State Beaver.” You will enjoy this: when I walked to a table of Rotarians at the District Assembly in Cottage Grove on Saturday, the first question that one of OUR club members asked me was, “How long have you been a Rotarian?” I gritted my teeth and responded with the above regret.


APP Moment: Jennifer Moore introduced a phone app entitled “Remember the Milk.” It is an app that is designed for busy people, helping you keep all tasks organized in an easy and fun way. Check it out.
 Student Recognition: Andy Tucknott informed members of our club’s Student-Scholar-Athlete recognition program, and then he introduced CVHS Athletic Director Craig Ellingson. Craig provided recognition to the honored students: Neal Van Tamelen and Taryn Gray from CVHS; and Nick Humphreys and Kate Bird from CHS.
 Birthdays/Anniversaries: Ted Anderson and Don Klaus recognized Rotarians with birthday and club anniversaries, including Ted Anderson’s birthday!!
 Service Project: Lee Eckroth chaired a movie meeting prior to today’s club gathering, working on the details of our August service event with 13 other people in attendance. He announced that our movie, The Wizard of Oz, will feature on site characters with the very appropriate casting of Mike Sheets as The Magnificent OZ!
 Service Project: Ali Bonakdar announced a service project that will take place on April 23 at 9:00 am – Painting. A clipboard was circulated.
 Fellowship Event: Becki Goslow promoted a Cinco de Mayo event that will take place on May 20th. A clipboard was circulated.
 Service Project: Becki Goslow announced that club members can help with the “Adopt a Park” project will by working on Saturday, April 9th.
 Fundraising: The Foundation Change Jar is getting heavier – keep bringing your weekly change! Fill the jar to the top!!! Thanks to all who keep the change (and bills) flowing. We’ll have a contest next month to guess the total donation – prizes for the closest estimate!
 Student Exchange: Franzi tickled the keys and played exceptionally as Stu Laney conducted the weekly 50/50 raffle to raise funds for our student exchange student, Franziska Maria Saal. Money raised will help fund the annual exchange trip to California. Joan Demerast won the right to draw a card but came up empty (yea!) – more tickets available next meeting. Let’s build up Franzi’s traveling fund – tickets are 3 for $5.

Michele Kellison introduced our feature speaker for the meeting, Rotarian Beth Sheehan whose topic was “Social Media and Membership.” Beth first complimented the club for outstanding characteristics, such as an inviting Facebook presence and a great website. She stated that our membership statistics are impressive, especially the fact that our club is 40% women! Beth said that our community service projects are engaging and she was enthralled and happy that we made “The Rotarian” magazine with our “Read Across Corvallis” literacy project. She told us that Rotary has come a long way from the day when Paul Harris, a farm boy, found himself in Chicago in 1905, thereby creating the first Rotary club. Beth explained that Rotary hired a PR firm entitled Siegel + Gale to help guide the organization to the future. Most people surveyed by the firm did not know what Rotary was, but those that did thought it to be a “secretive society of rich old men.” Beth challenged members to ensure that the club continues to be a VIBRANT club that attracts new members while remaining dedicated to improving the community and the world.
Next Meeting Friday, April 15, 2016 Featured Speaker: Dr. Erin Prince, Superintendent Corvallis Schools, with Brenda Downum-VanDevelder: “Schools, Priorities and Budget.”


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