Greater Rotary Recap Friday June 3, 2016

RCGC Meeting Recap Friday, June 3, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

Countdown to Changeover Party Thursday evening, June 30th.
Auction items Needed: Have something you can offer for a silent auction? This will begin the process of raising money for the Rotary Foundation for President-Elect Judy’s year in office. Anything works – a beach house weekend; a catered dinner, dog wash services,—be creative. Contact Lauren Gallegos:

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Susan Poole, celebrating the inspiration of Rotarians that contributed to the Memorial Day remembrance. Tom Nelson introduced our only visiting Rotarian, Pete Sekermestrovich (Corvallis). Michele Kellison introduced her guest, Kareem Walcott.


 Board Action: In response to the request from District 5110 to limit the club’s grant request to only one submission, due to the overwhelming requests from clubs in the district, the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis has decided to remove the “Kids Read/Rotary Cares” district grant request and maintain the grant for the Elevator Project in Uzhorrod, Ukraine.
 Return from Seoul: Mark Kalmar returned to Corvallis after a multi-hour flight from the Rotary International Convention in Korea, just in time to receive the Hans Neukomm Leadership Award, from Leadership Corvallis. Mark joins the ranks of past recipients, to include club members Julie Manning, Susan Poole, Ben Danley, Helen Higgins, and Mike Corwin. Congratulations, Mark. He provided gifts for his President (hat) and President-elect (scarf).
 Billing Information: Joy Ragsdale announced the quarterly bills have been issued, and that she would be passing on treasurer duties to Jamie Hughes next month.
 Family Bowling: Becki Goslow is spearheading efforts for an All Rotary Bowling afternoon on Saturday, June 18th, from 1-3pm. Other clubs have been invited. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at the next meeting.
 Citizen-Scholar-Athlete Awards: Our club’s recognition of the Spring Season selected Citizen-Scholar-Athlete Awards is always a satisfying experience. Stephanie Douglas coordinated the committee work to recognize students nominated by the coaches at both Corvallis and Crescent Valley High Schools. Bob Holt, CHS Athletic Director introduced Nick Rolen [golf], Sydney Joss [softball] , and Lily Beck [track]. CVHS Athletic Director introduced Kiaya Melton [softball] and Kevin Geniza [golf – three time medalist of the Oregon OSAA Golf Tournament].
 New Member Induction: It was my honor to induct Mike Simonson, sponsored by Inge King, into membership with the club. Mike is a sales rep with First American Title.


 Our guest presenter, Michael Sievers, was introduced. Michael is a graduate of University of Wisconsin and Johns Hopkins University. (BS Landscape Architecture; MS Urban Planning). Michael told us that he became interested in researching the B-26 after reviewing documents following the passing of his father, including notes, letters, and other primary source material kept in a storage trunk. Michael then presented a story of the B-26 Marauder, describing the early years of the principal creator, Glenn Martin. Martin was an industrialist, building planes first on the west coast, then with the Wright brothers, later Cleveland, ending up in Middle River, Maryland that became the primary site for the manufacture of the B-26, a middle range bomber. The US government was interested in a two-engine bomber, issuing an RFT in 1939 to aviation manufactures. The B-26 was a response to the RFT, but Martin did not build a prototype, instead immediately beginning assembly line construction in 1941 (continuing to 1945 with total production of 5,288 aircraft). First used in the Pacific Theater in early 1942, it was also used in the Mediterranean and in Western Europe. Michael’s father, Stan Silverfield, joined the Army Air Force in the Enlisted Reserve Corp in June, 1942. He was assigned to Bomber/gunnery School, receiving training in Carlsbad, New Mexico, graduating January 1944, as a second lieutenant. Silverfield was sent overseas in fall of that year, sailing on a retrofitted Queen Mary to England. He begins flying as bombardier in the B-26 in October through July 1945. At one point Silverfield is promoted and his crew flew without him, only to be shot down in Germany and briefly held as POW’s. Luckily, all returned to United States safely after the war. The B-26 remains one the fastest bombers built during WWII.

 Next Meeting Franzisk Saal “A Review of her Student Exchange Experience” Friday, June 10, 2016

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