Greater Rotary Recap January 8, 2015

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, January 8, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

We started the 2016 with a FANTASTIC meeting. Club members were energized and eager to share stories and memories of the holiday break. Images of the wonderful Holiday Children’s Fair provided visual entertainment on the big screen prior to the meeting invoking great memories and lots of smiles. We had no visiting Rotarians at this meeting, but plenty of guests. Bob Rothschuild, guest of Doug Oxsen, Richard Thomas, guest of Lu Ratzlaff, Erica Jensen, guest of Michele Kellison, Thomas Lindner, guest of Michele Kellison, Cindi Sherar, guest of Kate Lacy, Whitney Christenson, guest of Michele Kellison, and Julie Wasmer, guest of Amy Jauron. Announcements:  Service Thanks: A tip of the Rotary hat to all who volunteered to make our 2015 Rotary Children’s Holiday Fair a resounding success. Special appreciation provided to Kathi Hutchinson for her leadership, imagination, and tireless work ethic!
 Service Thanks: The club’s Holiday Party was a delightful evening of fellowship and fun. The Holiday Hat Contest featured many creative entries, with Jenny Bouman colorful and tall creation winning first prize. With auction and cash contributions, the club was able to donate a total of $1,611 to the Student Opportunity for Success Fund, helping our school district’s students in poverty. Congratulations and thanks to Stan & Glenda Baker for their stellar work as social committee heroes!
 The club collected a holiday gratuity in December for the Corvallis Club staff, lead by Jonah Workman. We provided a bonus of $138, which was much appreciated by staff.
 Michelle Davis, having fulfilled all of the requirements of new membership, traded in her red badge for a Blue Badge – congratulations Michelle.
 Lu An Carone-Rhodes is seeking an assistant to the annual Dr. Seuss “Read Across Corvallis” event scheduled for March 2nd. Volunteers will read to children – so keep the date open.
 Bronwyn Evans requested volunteers to shuttle our exchange student, Franziska, from CHS to the club on meeting days. New host Cam Little and family seek club support for any activity that could involve Franziska – especially related to snow! Kathi Hutchinson announced that we will begin a 50/50 card game of chance to help raise funds for Franziska’s trip with other exchange students to California.
 Dan Hallgrimson is seeking volunteers for the Corvallis Men’s Shelter – a sign up sheet was passed around.
 Helen Higgins reminded members to record service work on the tri-fold board –stickers available on the table. She introduce Anissa Arthenayake who is seeking volunteers for the Junior Achievement event at Franklin School in February. A sign-up sheet was circulated.
 Michele Kellison announced members with 100% attendance – with a 100% fellowship gathering scheduled for Sky High Brewery.
 Becki Goslow presented her vocational, complete with boa’s, framed photos on each table, and a table full of memorabilia. Her passion is volunteerism and her former career as a middle school teacher provided her with a lifetime of memories. Thanks, Becki – you set a new standard for vocational props!
MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Each member of the board and membership committee has been asked to invite set up coffee meetings with two Rotary members whom he or she would like to get to know better. After those meetings, each of the two members who were invited out will ask two other members to coffee. Then, in the manner of a particularly nasty virus, these coffee meetings will spread throughout the club, infecting all members. We are counting on each of you to spread the disease by doing two things: 1) Work with the person who invites you to find the earliest possible date. 2) After you have your initial coffee, decide who you’d like to invite and reach out right away. The event ends on Friday, February 12. Don’t be penicillin, spread the disease!

Doug Oxsen introduced the featured speaker for the meeting, Kimya Massey, Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Student-Athlete Development. Kimya described a program entitled “Everyday Champion” that provides proactive assistance to student athletes. Kimya described the five outcomes available after OSU that he presents to athletes: [1] Graduate Scholarship; [2] Internship – Post graduate; [3] Full time job; [4] Professional athlete; and, [5] Unemployed. Kimaya stated that only 2% of the athletes are provided professional sport opportunities following graduation. Everyday Champions is focused on three main areas of development: Personal Development, Leadership Development, and Professional Development. He also stated that community service, with multiple outcomes, is one of the pillars of character development.

The annual “Bragging Rights College Bowl Mania” winner Joseph Bailey. With Joseph not at the meeting, the trophy presentation will occur at our next January 15th meeting. Even in the absence of the final National Championship game, Joseph guessed 75% of the bowl games correctly, outdistancing the nearest competition.

Next Meeting – Friday, January 18th

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