Greater Rotary Recap May 27, 2016

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, May 27, 2016
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

The power of our connected world was on display this week as we did a real-time video interview with Mark Kalmar, in Seoul, South Korea, host to the Rotary International Convention. It was 4:30 am Seoul for our video chat, but Mark said that the time change was difficult for him, so he had been up since 3:00 am. Mark reported that the Plenary Session was that evening; that he lost his phone on the subway (but later found and returned); that the city has it’s own distinct aroma; and, his impression of the South Korean people is eminetly positive – a very friendly smiling population! We’ll look forward to Mark’s report when he returns to USA terra firma!

The meeting began with an Inspirational message from Russ Hedge, the upcoming Memorial Day observance. Kate Lacy introduced our only visiting Rotarian, Pete Sekermestrovich (Corvallis). Andrea Myhre introduced her guest, Jeanette Hardison, John Haroldson introduced his guest, Ryan Joslin, Judy & Mike Corwin proudly introduced their daughter, Kami Corwin, and Kate Lacy introduced the club’s guest, Mike Simonson.


 Service Thanks: A total of 20 people attended the 11am meeting of Movie Night. Lee Eckroth is confident that all is on schedule for the Thursday, August 25th showing of “The Wizard of Oz.” This is an ALL CLUB service event and we look forward to multiple volunteers assisting for this second annual free movie night event.
 Service Thanks: Appreciation to Stephanie Douglas, Ken Pastega, and Andy Tucknott for scoring the Citizen-Scholar-Athlete award for high school athletes. The recognized students will be our guests at the June 3rd meeting.
 Service Thanks: Ron Thiesen thanked all members who assisted with the annual Corvallis ½ Marathon – presenting a check, dedicated to Youth Service, from the Marathon proceeds.
 Service Thanks: Jeff Davis thanks supporters and volunteers who assisted with the Corvallis Spring Roll. Jeff said it was amazingly successful.
 Middle Level Student Recognition: Van Melick recognized Ashbrook Independent School student Sophie Leid, as the Middle Level student of the month. The Cheldelin student was not available (early Memorial Day vacation) so Van will present to the student at school.
 Service Project: “Out to the Ballgame” 5K run needs volunteers to help monitor the race on Saturday, June 5th. In return, you will be provided a ticket to the Party Deck for that night’s Knight’s game for a free BBQ meal and drinks. Interested? Contact Colton Surcamp at
 Foundation: Tom Nelson presented an overview of the work of the Rotary Foundation, first showing a video entitled “A Century of Doing Good in the World.” He first presented a Paul Harris Fellow pin with multiple stones to Julie Manning. Then, with assistance from Jim Swinyard, Tom informed members that we have reached the aggregate Foundation giving goal of the club: our goal was $28,000 and we raised $22,000 for the Foundation and $9,680 for Polio Plus. For our club, we have 55 members that have donated this year; 12 members donate through automatic monthly donations (Rotary Direct); 78 members are Paul Harris Fellows; and, 46 members give $100 year (Sustaining Members). Both Tom & Jim suggested that it’s easy to donate to the fund with month deductions….forms are available to sign up and the motto “Every Member – Every Year” is our target goal for contributions. Finally, the Foundation jar contributions winner was Stephanie Douglas – the $227 will be credited to the Foundation in her name. Second place prize went to Becki Goslow, winning a bottle of Pinot Noir! Congratulations to both.
 Event Notice: The club’s annual Changing of the Guard will take place Thursday evening, June 30th. ALL club members should attend with a guest of their choice (spouse, mate, significant other, etc.). The meeting gavel will be handed to President-Elect Judy Corwin. If you have items (large or small items) that can be auctioned silent auction, contact Lauren Gallegos: And, mark your calendars for a FUN evening!
 Vocational Presentation: Claudia Hamilton provided a comprehensive vocational presentation, aided with a map of the USA, demonstrating that multiple moves in multiple states always leads you to the present home – which is Corvallis. Nice job, Claudia!

 Next Meeting Friday, June 3, 2016

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