Greater Rotary Recap November 20, 2015

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, November 20, 2015
By Gerry Kosanovic, President

This was a FABULOUS meeting – lots of fun, fellowship, and good humor. With no meeting scheduled Thanksgiving week, the annual Civil War atmosphere was enhanced with team color balloons (equal in number, evenly spread out). It was a great day to be a Rotarian.
The meeting was called to order with Ron Thiesen providing an Inspirational moment focused on Thanksgiving and goodwill. Andy Tucknott introduced visiting Rotarians Samm Newton from the Tuesday Club of After Five, and Gregg Olson, from the Wednesday Morning Club. He also welcomed Rotarian guests Raychelle Rhodes and Leslie Drey, guest of Ron Thiesen, Karin Davis, guest of Michelle Davis, and Bill Franzke, guest of Brian Augustine. In addition, we welcomed the parents and grandparents of the middle school students of the month.
 Service Recognition: Appreciation and thanks to those all club members that worked at the Pastega Holiday Light Display. The display will open at 5pm on Friday, November 27th, with the same hours (5pm – 10pm) throughout the holidays. A huge Rotarian tip of the hat to Ken Pastega and the extended Pastega Family, for providing this gift to the community!
 Service Recognition: Update – Jamie Hughes presented the Rotary Citizen-Scholar-Athlete awards to two Corvallis High School this past week. Club members that selected the students from coach nominations include Mike Sheets, Jamie Hughes, Andy Tucknott, and Richard Havard. Thanks for your service to the club for this wonderful event. We will host the athletes at our next meeting on December 4th.
 Dolf De Vos & Stewart Laney announced the winners of the PRAFFLE – our football fundraiser for the PolioPlus Foundation. Rick Schroff won the club level tickets to the Beaver/Huskie game. The lucky winners of Beaver Bobbleheads – Brian Augustine, Megan Schneider, and Tom Nelson. Thanks to all that participated in the fun activity.
 Glenda & Stan Baker promoted the upcoming Holiday Party that will be held at the Country Club on Thursday, December 17th. Mark your calendars! There will be LOTS of gifts and a return of the HOLIDAY HAT CONTEST! Register for the Holiday Party NOW! Simply follow the directions in the club’s website:
 Reminder – if you ordered a Rum Cake last week, Patty Nevue, will deliver your order at the meeting on Friday, December 4th.
 Van Melick presented the Middle Level Student Awards to two 8th grade champions – one from Franklin School of Choice, and the other from Ashbrook School.
The featured speakers for the meeting were Michelle Davis & Amy Lodholz. Both are new Rotarians and they delivered exceptionally informative vocationals, complete with photographs and a fairly comprehensive personal history. A common theme that emerged from both presentations was their commitment to service and their love of humanity. As with all of new members, we welcome them to the club and urge all members to engage them in fellowship and conversation at every opportunity. Thanks to both for great presentations.
New Member Proposal: Ali Bonakda, Director of Oregon Cascades West Council of Government. Proposed by Charlie Mitchell.
The meeting ended with OSU Beaver and UofO Duck football predictions. Last week’s Beaver prediction by Brian Augustine of 23-17 upset win over Cal didn’t materialize. This week, Mike Sheets boldly—some would say brazenly and courageously—predicted two wins: First Beavers would defeat the Huskies with 4 turnovers (two fumbles/two pics) 20-17! Then, for the Civil War, Dr. Sheets predicts a HUGE upset in Eugene: 31-30 Beavers!
Duck Alum Gerry Kosanovic last week predicted that Oregon would defeat Stanford by a score of 38-35. Final score 38-36. This week Oregon Ducks host USC: predicted score – Ducks win 45-38. Civil War will be a HUGE Duck win – predicted final? 54-17.
Next Meeting – December 4th: Member Vocationals, High School Athlete Recognition, and Club Business.

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