Rotarian Kalmar tells about Korea

Mark Kalmar tells about Korea

Mark Kalmar tells about Korea

Attending an International Conference for Rotary is a “big deal” until you get to another country and realize that all Rotarians no matter where they live are doing the same work — “supporting their local community and helping the international humanitarian cause.”

Kalmar attended the International Conference in Seoul, Korea, and observed many things:  “Koreans love to take selfies, they do not speak on the subway, they age gracefully, and they are smokers,” said Kalmar, president-elect of Greater Corvallis Rotary.  He added that Koreans “age gracefully, have many open area markets, still sing in karoake lounges, and work the longest hours of any laborers.”

Kalmar described the Peace Walk to open the International Conference as “remarkable” and he tried a few different foods, such as baby octopus, but eventually gravitated to American fast food at Popeyes.  What struck him most were the outdoors beauty, a “House of Friendship” and “100 Acts of good.”  Kalmar found the International Conference energizing and made several new friends including including others from Vancouver, B.C., and Cincinnati, Ohio.

“Rotary has truly made the world different and you can believe it, once you have traveled to another country.”


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