Rotary Meeting Recap 7.15.2015

RCGC Meeting Recap: Friday, July 17, 2015
Attendance at summer meetings are interesting – folks are on the move, families travel together, and the rest of us that meet at the Country Club enjoy fellowship with a bright view out of the southern windows of green grass, trees full of leaves, and the occasional golf ball flying up the #10 fairway. Life is good.
The 10/17/2015 meeting begins with a short meaningful Inspiration by Josh Pannebaker. Thereafter we welcomed visiting Rotarians Erin Haynes (Thursday) and our perennial favorite visitor, Pete Sekersestrovich (Thursday). Guests for the event included Ryan Joslin, Tom Johnsontoand Brady Finenaur.
Club announcements were made by the following:
• Josh Pannebaker, board director with Club Service, is seeking individuals to deliver the club meeting Inspirational Moment. If you are interested, see or contact Josh via email:
• Michele Kellison is auditing the club directory, volunteering to assemble an area directory with other clubs. Check/edit your information on dacdb, or at the next meeting, make changes by hand. In either case, update your photo if you so desire.
• Megan Schneider is coordinating the volunteer sheet for MOVIE NIGHT, coming up so very soon on Thursday, August 6th. Find a slot that needs assistance and sign up…also, grab a poster and visit the store of your choice to see if they would allow a window display of the poster. Thanks to all for your “service above self” for this major club event.
• Ken Pastega talked about the upcoming Mario Pastega Memorial Golf Tournament, to be held at Trysting Tree on August 11th. Teams are being form and no individual that wants to participate will be left out. Want to join a Rotary team? Contact me and I’ll coordinate the registration of the event. Your participation will help create local cancer survivors by helping fund the construction of the new Pastega Regional Cancer Center!
• Stan & Glenda Baker are looking for individuals to join the social committee and help plan the annual Holiday event. Mark your calendars – it will be held at the Corvallis Country Club on Thursday, December 17th. Hold that date. Contact Stan or Glenda if you would like to help. They will hold their initial meeting on August 14th.
• Erin Haynes passed around signup for service to the Benton County Fair, selling tickets, with revenue generated providing high school scholarships. He will be back next week, so check your calendars for availability. Fair dates: July 29 – August 1 Jim Swinyard had the distinct pleasure of awarding two Paul Harris Fellowship pins to club members Megan Schneider and Michele Kellison. Both individuals are multiple Paul Harris Fellows: Michele received a Paul Harris Fellows pin with three rubies (signifying contributions in excess of $9,000 or more) and Megan received a Pau Harris Fellows pin with two sapphires (signifying contributions of $3,000). Congratulations to you both and thank you for your dedication to the ideals of Rotary. It was an honor on Friday to induct new member Andrea Myhre to the club. Andrea is the Grants Officer for the Jackson Street Youth Shelter, responsible for writing grants and tracking progress. She has a background as a political organizer, environmental educator, researcher, college instructor and trainer, and nonprofit director with national and local nonprofits. Welcome to the club, Andrea – we so very glad that you’ve made the commitment to become a Rotarian!
Our featured speaker for the meeting was Jennifer Edwards, introduced by Andrea Thornberry. Jennifer provided club members with a fast paced personal biography of her life, on that was and continues to be influenced by Rotary. Jennifer Edwards’ Rotary involvement began in 1990 when she won the Rotary Outstanding Student of the Month from the Glendale, AZ Rotary and was awarded the privilege of leaving campus and enjoying lunch at the Rotary meetings for that month. While preparing for an exchange program to England, she discovered the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship and applied and won to study in Adelaide, Australia for one year where she earned a Graduate Certificate in Education. While teaching high school theatre back in Glendale, AZ, she learned about the Rotary Volunteer Grant. She applied to become a part of a center in Zagreb, Croatia assisting children suffering from PTSD after the war. She helped to implement a psychodrama program at this center in the summer of 2000. Jennifer is currently a Career Consultant for Career Services at Oregon State University. 

Our next meeting on July 24th will be club business, with a vocational (or two) and a presentation by your club president, reviewing the trip to Sao Paulo for the Rotary International Convention. See you Friday.

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