San Lucas Mission was international service for Myhre’s

Andrea Myhre wanted an international service experience for herself and her two children.  They chose a mission in San Lucas, Guatemala.  The mission is a small, low-income village near Antigua and Guatemalla City. A hostile there sports four to 40 volunteers at any one time, helping the villagers with building, farming and taking care of youth.

Myhre and her two children spent two weeks there to learn about the culture and help.  They did food prep, dishes and helped mix concrete for building.

Myhre, a former peace corp volunteer, felt it was an excellent opportunity for her children to learn about other parts of the world.  Although there was a language barrier at times, she and her children learned a great deal and made lasting friends.

Myhre will be the Director of International Services for the Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis starting July 1, 2017.

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